Kunsthistorisches Museum

Painted limestone stele depicts sisters, Keti and Senet

Stele of Keti and Senet

This painted limestone stele depicts sisters, Keti and Senet, breathing in the scent of a lotus blossom, while stood either side of an offering table full of food produce and other tribute presented to the pair. Dating from between approximately 2061–1900 B.C., Late 11th Dynasty to Early 12th Dynasty, this Middle Kingdom stelae was made...

Ptolemaic Mummy Mask

Ptolemaic Mummy Mask

In the Ptolemaic period, the mummy was not enclosed by a complete mummy case, but only by individual pieces of covering, including a mummy mask. Before placing the mummy in its coffin, a number of decorations could be applied. The outer mummy bandages could be painted, the mummy could receive a net of beads with...

Sarcophagus of Pa-nehem-isis

Sarcophagus of Pa-nehem-isis

The sarcophagus of the priest Pa-nehem-isis [Pnehmêse] is a remarkable example from the Ptolemaic Period, with its large face and its profusion of inscriptions and images, covering the whole surface. The figures have been carved in the hard stone with great precision. The deceased is wearing the tripartite wig and a broad collar. No other...

Ba Bird Statuette

Ba Bird Statuette

This ba bird statuette is perched on a rectangular base. The human head is covered by a blue tripartite striated wig with a red sun disc on top. A collar was painted on the chest between the front lappets of the wig. The feathers are painted red, the tail feathers blue. The typical leg feathers...

Statue of a Standing Lady

Statue of a Standing Lady

This limestone statue depicts a standing lady which she wearing a shoulder-length wig consisting of graceful tresses, and the white dress with shoulder straps of elite ladies covered by a broad collar. The straps of the dress and the broad collar were indicated in paint only, of which only traces remain. She is standing upright...

Statue of the Goddess Sekhmet

Statue of the Goddess Sekhmet

The goddess Sekhmet, “the powerful one,” sits on a throne with a low back rest. Atop her leonine head there is a sun disk with uraeus serpent. Her woman’s body is clothed in a form-fitting dress with shoulder straps, and she wears a collar-like necklace, bracelets, and anklets. In her left hand Sekhmet holds the...

Votive Ram’s Head

Votive Ram Head of Penta-weret

This splendid votive bust of a ram head with curving horns and stylized mane is placed on an inscribed pedestal. The top of the pedestal is marked by a cavetto cornice and a torus molding. The front has a shallow incised decoration of Amenhotep I in front of an offering stand. He is identified as...

Statue of Goddess Isis

Statuette of the Goddess Isis

Apart from being the mother goddess per se, Isis was also a protective deity, as depicted by this bronze statuette. She is attached to a thin base with a tenon. On her head she is wearing cow horns supporting a sun disk, and a striated wig with a uraeus on her forehead. Her winged arms...

Statue of King Horemheb and God Horus

Statue of Horemheb and Horus

In this nearly life-size statue made of white limestone, Horemheb is seated on the right side of Horus, who places his right arm around the king’s waist. The god’s left hand is holding the sign of life. The two figures greatly resemble each other. Both have bare upper bodies and wear the shendyt kilt and...

Statuette of a Hippopotamus

Statuette of a Hippopotamus

Egyptian faience statuette of a hippopotamus decorated with lily plants, symbolic of regeneration in the hereafter. These statuettes were popular grave goods that were placed close to the mummy in the coffin. Plants and animals characteristic of the marshes where the hippo lived are depicted on its body. The king’s ritual hippopotamus hunt symbolized his...