
Amulet of the god Nefertem

Faience Amulet of the god Nefertem

Molded faience amulet in the form of Nefertem or Nefertum, he is often defined as the god of perfumes but this association is secondary. Nefertem was, in fact, first and foremost, the young god of the lotus bud that emerged from the primordial waters, according to the Egyptian myth, and from which the sun was...

Usekh Collar of Princess Neferuptah

Usekh Collar of Princess Neferuptah

The Usekh collar of Princess Neferuptah was made of gold, carnelian, feldspar, and fired glass paste (faience). Two smaller chains of beads are attached to the falcons, leading to a counterpoise, which also bears the image of a falcon, with further horizontal rows of beads hanging from it. At the bottom of the collar, teardrop...

Pectoral of King Tutankhamun between Ptah and Sekhmet

Pectoral of Tutankhamun with Ptah and Sekhmet

A necklace with an open work pectoral ornament of Tutankhamun between Ptah and his consort Sekhmet, inlaid in semi-relief after cloisonné fashion. In the center, with black face, stands the king between the seated god Ptah and goddess Sekhmet. Between is the solar uraeus and the emblem of “Eternal Years”; behind Sekhmet is the king’s...

Gold Bes Signet Ring

Gold Bes Signet Ring

This ring bezel is decorated with the royal device of two cartouches topped by ostrich plumes, the cartouches frame dancing figures of Bes. Since Bes was closely associated with women in labor and with small children, the use of his image on this signet ring suggests it belonged to a queen, probably Nefertiti herself. Though...

Falcon Pectoral of Tutankhamun

Falcon Pectoral of Tutankhamun

Pectoral jewel of Tutankhamun depicting Horus in the form of a falcon with outspread wings around the sun disk, holding shen rings, the symbols of eternal protection in his claws. The pectoral is a symbol of protection and divine power, and it showcases the exquisite craftsmanship and wealth of the New Kingdom period in ancient...

Gold Cuff Bracelet of Prince Nemareth

Cuff Bracelet of Prince Nemareth

The inner side of the smaller segment of this cuff bracelet is inscribed for a man with the Libyan name of Nimlot (also rendered as Nemareth or the like). The bracelet was once inlaid with lapis lazuli. The external decoration of the bracelet consists of geometric decoration and a figure of a child god. The...

Necklace of Princess Khenmet

Necklace of Princess Khenmet

This beautiful necklace of Princess Khenmet was found on her mummy. It was worn by the deceased princess not only as jewelry, but also as an amulet to protect her from the evil powers in the netherworld. It is formed of a series of amulets on either side of a central composition. They are arranged...

Ancient Egyptian Agate Frog Ring

Agate Frog Ring

Like this agate frog ring. Finger rings in the shape of frogs were produced throughout the Pharaonic period and in very different materials. Perhaps the lid of a cosmetic vessel, on an oval plinth, naturalistically rendered, the eyes and mouth delineated by incision, pierced horizontally through the chest and stomach; mounted as a ring in...

Usekh Collar of Tutankhamun with Counterweight

Usekh Collar of Tutankhamun

Inside his innermost coffin Tutankhamun was buried with six collars, each with falcon heads at the ends, this amazing Usekh was found draped over the king’s thighs. A rainbow of colors: This broad collar has 11 main sections made of gold, as well as a counterweight or (mankhet). It is standard collar of tubular beads...

Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep I

Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep I

This bracelet of Queen Ahhotep I is formed with two semicircles. Gold and lapis-lazuli were used to create its beautiful two-color decoration. The right semicircle depicts Geb, the god of earth, wearing the double crown and seated on the throne. His hands rest on a sign of protection that is on the shoulder and arm...