
Winged Scarab Pectoral of Tutankhamun

Winged Scarab Pectoral of Tutankhamun

This beautiful winged scarab pectoral illustrates the throne name of King Tutankhamun, “Neb- khepreu-re.” The central element is the scarab “Khepri” made of a fine piece of lapis lazuli, and three strokes of plural “sign in hieroglyphs” below it. Between the forelegs of the scarab, the risen sun disk “Re” is depicted. The pectoral is...

Earrings of Tutankhamun with Duck Heads

Earrings of Tutankhamun with Duck Heads

This pair of earrings is the most beautiful of the four pairs discovered in the Tomb of Tutankhamun. The ducks with outstretched wings form a circle and its feet hold the shen sign. The head is made of translucent blue glass and the wing is fashioned in cloisonné. Under the duck hang gold and blue...

Girdle with cowrie shells of gold

Girdle with cowrie shells of gold

The girdle with golden cowrie shells could have been worn by a small woman. It was slipped over the head and arms to rest on the widest part of her hips and to cross the lowest part of her abdomen. Such girdles were commonly depicted on the little dolls of wood or faience often found...

Egyptian Blue Winged Scarab

Egyptian Blue Winged Scarab Amulet

Molded winged scarab amulet of blue glassy faience, with separate wings, of a type that was mass-produced in the first millennium BC. Flat and schematically modeled, it was intended to be incorporated into a beadwork mummy shroud. Mounted together with fabric backing. This scarab is rather coarsely modeled, although every detail of the body is...

Ancient Egyptian frog ring

Ancient Egyptian frog ring

The frog ring is made of Egyptian blue, which was a vibrant blue pigment, considered to be the first synthetically-produced pigment, composed of quartz sand, a copper compound, and calcium carbonate. The color blue was highly prized in ancient Egypt and the creation of a synthetic pigment allowed artists to produce imitations of the precious...

Pectoral of Princess Mereret

Pectoral of Princess Mereret

This necklace with a pectoral had once adorned the figure of Princess Mereret, the daughter of King Senusret III and sister of his successor Amenemhat III. It bears a cartouche containing the coronation name of Amenemhat III as decoration. Represented as two falcon-headed sphinxes, the king smites his enemies. Above, the vulture-goddess, Nekhbet, is shown...

Gold snake armlet

Gold Snake Armlet

This type of gold armlet takes the form of a spiral and ends in the head of a snake, to be worn on the upper arm. Roman jewellery borrowed heavily from Hellenistic goldwork. This particular type was common in Hellenistic times, especially in Egypt where these particular armlets might have been made. Snakes were the...

Pectoral of Sithathoriunet

Pectoral and Necklace of Princess Sithathoriunet

The pectoral of of Sithathoriunet is composed around the throne name of King Senusret II. It was found among the jewelry of Princess Sithathoriunet in a special niche of her underground tomb beside the pyramid of Senusret II at Lahun. Hieroglyphic signs make up the design, and the whole may be read: “The god of...

Ram-headed Falcon Pendant

Ram Headed Falcon Pendant

Pendant in the shape of a ram headed falcon (gold, lapis-lazuli, turquoise and carnelian), found on the mummy of an Apis bull in the Serapeum of Memphis at Saqqara. This pendant takes the form of a falcon with a ram’s head, with outstretched wings and legs. This is a composite figure of a deity, almost...

Fish amulet

Fish amulet

This fish amulet is made from gold with a green feldspar inlay. The amulet is open on both sides. The central cloisonné, to which are attached fins and tail, is roughly made from a strip of sheet metal curved around to make an oval shape. The inlay is a piece of feldspar which has been...