
Electrum Falcon Pendant of the God Horus

Pendant Amulet of the God Horus

Horus was the symbol of the king and his protector, on this pendant amulet he is shown wearing the Double Pschent Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, the symbol of kingship. The falcon’s wings are folded, and he perches on a schematic version of the traditional block border motif. The pendant was formed of two...

Gold and enamel scarab amulet

Gold and enamel scarab amulet

This scarab amulet is made of gold, a metal strongly associated with the sun. The blue enamel symbolizes the life-giving waters of the Nile. Scarab amulets were frequently wound into a mummy’s bandages to protect the deceased and ensure rebirth. The ancient Egyptians understood the sun god to manifest himself in multiple forms, chiefly those...

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

The pectoral of king Shoshenq II displays two falcons at its top, each wearing the Double Pschent Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. They are sitting upon the hieroglyphic symbol for sky, which is adorned with stars. Below, resting upon a boat, can be seen a lapis lazuli sun-disc, with an image of the enthroned...

Armlet of Queen Ahhotep I

Armlet of Queen Ahhotep I

When it was found among the mummy’s hair, this gold armlet of Ahhotep I was thought to be a crown. Because of its diameter, however, it is certain that it was to be worn round the arm for protection. The armlet is inlaid with lapis lazuli and carnelian and decorated with vulture of gold and...

Amethyst Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

Amethyst Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

This masterpiece amethyst scarab bracelet associated with Tutankhamun was found in a beautiful cartouche shaped box with other fine pieces of jewelry. The main element in the design is the light violet amethyst scarab with details, as is common with scarabs of this hard stone, which was considered a precious gemstone in ancient Egypt. It...

Silver Ring of King Ramesses IV

Silver Ring of Ramesses IV

On the large silver-tin alloy signet ring the prenomen of Ramesses IV appears—Hekamaat-re’ (“Re Is the Ruler of Maat“). In the lower half are several hieroglyphs—djed (“stability”), hes (“praise”), and hetep (“peace” or “satisfaction”)—that probably serve a decorative or amuletic function because they do not comprise a logical text. Likewise, the semi-hemispherical nb hieroglyph at...

Lotus shaped pendant of vizier Imhotep. Egyptian Museum of Turin. S. 5108

Lotus pendant of vizier Imhotep

A lotus flower shaped pendant once belonged to the Vizier Imhotep, a high official in the royal court of King Thutmose I. Excavated by Ernesto Schiaparelli and Francesco Ballerini from his tomb (QV46), Valley of the Queens, Thebes. The lotus was shown throughout Egypt in tombs and temples to symbolize the union of Upper and...

Egyptian blue faience necklace decorated with wadjet eye

Necklace decorated with wadjet eye

Thirteen separate protective wadjet eye amulets, made from Egyptian faience in molds, decorate this necklace. The most popular of all Egyptian amulets was the wadjet eye, which was worn to promote health and well-being. The mythological origin of this symbol is rooted in the struggle between Horus, who was the rightful heir to the throne...

Gold Signet Ring

Gold Signet Ring of Neferibre

Gold signet ring of a “Priest of Isis of Khufu” Neferibre, i.e. a priest of the temple of Isis at Giza. The bezel is oval shaped with the inscribed area being slightly raised leaving an oval border. Because this ring bears a cartouche of King Khufu, it was once world famous as the actual signet...

Winged Scarab Pectoral with the Throne Name of Tutankhamun

Pectoral with the Throne Name of Tutankhamun

This is a masterpiece of pectoral from the collection of Tutankhamun. It is a pectoral decorated in a complex way: the central part of the pectoral which represents the throne name (or prenomen) of the king, Nebkheperure, consists in the middle of a large lapis lazuli scarab. Below it is the hieroglyphic sign “neb”, which...