
Gold Amulet of the God Nehebkau

Amulet of the God Nehebkau

Nehebkau, often depicted as a male with a snake head, was originally the explanation of the cause of binding of Ka and Ba after death. Thus his name, which means (one who) brings together Ka and Ba. Since these aspects of the soul were said to bind after death, Nehebkau was said to have guarded...

Amulet of Amun

Amulet of the god Amun

Similar amulet pendants of Amun have been recovered from the royal tombs at Kurru and Nuri in Sudan, and Nubian royalty is often depicted wearing similarly impressive decorations. On the back of the figure is a loop for a chain so that the amulet could be worn around the neck. The figure shows the god...

Wadjet Eye Amulet

Wadjet Eye Amulet

One of the most popular amulets in ancient Egypt, the wadjet eye amulet represents the healed eye of the god Horus. It depicts a combination of a human and a falcon eye, since Horus was often associated with a falcon. Its ancient Egyptian name, wadjet, means “the one that is sound (again).” In Egyptian mythology...

Pectoral with an Opposing Seth Animal and Hieracosphinx

Pectoral of Opposing Seth and Hieracosphinx

On the right of this pectoral is the god Seth, who can signify southern Egypt, while on the left is a hieracosphinx representing Horus, a deity here related to northern Egypt. At the center is a symbol representing the goddess Hathor, imagery that was already ancient by the Middle Kingdom. The beautifully worked back of...

Bracelets of General Djehuty

Bracelets of General Djehuty

These gold bracelets were once belonged to general Djehuty, one of them is inscribed with the prenomen cartouche of king Thutmose III. Kind of bracelets that Egyptian kings presented to their most deserving generals and high officials. General Djehuty was famous in ancient Egyptian literature for capturing the city of Joppa on Thutmose III’s behalf...

Bracelet Inscribed with the Cartouche of Thutmose III

Bracelet of General Djehuty

This golden bracelet belonged to the funerary treasures of general Djehuty and inscribed with the prenomen cartouche of king Thutmose III, together with four more in the RMO collection. A gold bracelet of the kind that Egyptian kings presented to their most deserving generals and high officials. General Djehuty was famous in ancient Egyptian literature...

Gold Bracelet of King Shoshenq II

Scarab Bracelet of Shoshenq II

This piece of beautiful scarab bracelet belongs to King Shoshenq II is considered a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian jewelry. The ends of the rigid bracelet are in the shape of lotus flowers with details that were once inlaid. The ends of the plain gold bracelet are joined by a finely detailed scarab of lapis lazuli....

Ancient Egyptian Beaded Bracelet

Beaded Cuff Bracelet

This beaded cuff bracelet consists of 24 rows of beads strung together with gold thread that form alternating bands of gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian. These testify to the place of the toilet in the life of the wealthy classes of the ancient Egyptian society. Similarly, both men and women have a strong taste for...

Gold Pendant of Amenhotep III

Gold Pendant of Amenhotep III

The gold pendant of Amenhotep III, found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, is a remarkable piece of jewelry that highlights the connections between these two pharaohs. This pendant, often featuring intricate designs and symbols associated with royalty and divinity, reflects the high level of craftsmanship typical of the 18th Dynasty. It is believed that the...

Winged Scarab Beetle Amulet

Winged Scarab Beetle Amulet

This winged scarab beetle amulet is made of electrum. The wings are not those of a beetle, but those of a bird, as is apparent by their shape and the indication of individual feathers. Winged scarabs, meant to guarantee the rebirth of the deceased, were very popular funerary amulets. A series of animals depicting deities...