
Pectoral of Osiris, Isis and Nephthys

Pectoral of Tutankhamun with Osiris, Isis and Nephthys

The pectoral of Tutankhamun looks at first glance to be presenting the goddesses Wadjet and Nekhbet, the symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt, standing on either side of Osiris. However, the hieroglyphic inscriptions beside them state that they are in fact Isis (next to the vulture) and Nephthys (next to the cobra). Goddess Isis wears...

Bracelet of Shoshenq II

This bracelet is one of pair bracelets found around the wrist of king Shoshenq II with representations of the Wadjet eye above the hieroglyphic “Neb” sign symbolizing eternal protection for the king. The Egyptians often referred to the sun and the moon as the “eyes” of particular gods. The right eye of the god Re,...

Winged Scarab Pendant of King Tutankhamun

Winged Scarab Pendant of Tutankhamun

This winged scarab pendant of cloisonné technique is inlaid with semiprecious stones and colored glass. The central element of the pendant is a scarab of Libyan desert glass, grasping on one side a lotus and on the other a papyrus flower, flanked by two uraei, or rearing cobras. A gold frame outlines the main composition...

Corselet of Tutankhamun

Corselet of Tutankhamun

Howard Carter found the fragments of Tutankhamun corselet in various places around the antechamber of the tomb. Some were contained in three small chests and a small gilded wooden shrine, while others lay on the ground in the antechamber and the corridor. Two pendants were joined to the collars: the front one portrays Amun-Re on...

Gold Jewelry of Princess Khenmet

Jewelry of Princess Khenmet

These items of jewelry belonging to Princess Khenmet are made with the decorative cloisonné technique of applied gold threads and tiny beads that was very popular outside Egypt, particularly in Syria and the area of the Aegean. The first chain has a pendant of a spotted heifer in a round border in blue enamel. This...

Duck Bracelet of King Ramesses II

Duck Bracelet of Ramesses II

This solid gold bracelet of Ramesses II is composed of two parts, linked on one side by a hinge and on the other by a clasp. The broader upper part of the bracelet is decorated with a double-headed duck. The body consists of a large chunk of lapis lazuli framed by broad bands of gold...

Beaded Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep

Beaded Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep

The beaded bracelet of Ahhotep is a remarkable piece of jewelry that showcases the artistic and craftsmanship skills of the time. The bracelet, which is one of a pair, was found along with other jewels inside her sarcophagus. It is composed of 30 rows of gold beads and semi-precious stones (lapis lazuli, turquoise and carnelian),...

Pendant of Tutankhamun with Werethekau

Pendant of Tutankhamun with Werethekau

Pendant of goddess Werethekau with plumed and horned head-dress and snake body, suckling a standing figure of King Tutankhamun. Made of heavy plate gold on two large suspension rings at back, just below head-dress. “The cobra with woman’s head sometimes wears the low crown also associated with Isis, but on other occasions the Double Crown...

Golden Uraeus of Senusret II

Uraeus of Senusret II

The golden uraeus of Senusret II was discovered by Flinders Petrie in 1920 during his excavations around the Pyramid of Senusret II at Lahun. This piece of jewelry was thus likely part of a headdress or crown. The rearing cobra, known as a uraeus, was a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity and divine authority in...