
Gold Statuette of Amun-Re

Gold Statuette of Amun-Re

In this gold statuette, Amun-Re stands in the traditional pose with the left leg forward. He is identified by his characteristic flat-topped crown, which originally supported two tall gold feathers, now missing. He wears the gods’ braided beard with a curled tip and carries an ankh emblem in his left hand and a scimitar across...

Bracelet of Queen Hetepheres I

Silver Bracelets of Queen Hetepheres I

Some of the earliest silver objects unearthed in Egypt are these rare silver bracelets that once belonged to Queen Hetepheres I. They are inlaid with turquoise, lapis lazuli, and carnelian, in the form of a butterfly. The internal and external surfaces of this small box, or casket, were covered with gold leaf. The lid of...

Cosmetic Shell of King Sekhemkhet

This original gold cosmetics container in the shape of a shell or scallop was found in the pyramidal complex of the king Sekhemkhet which was built on the model of his predecessor Djoser. For the ancient Egyptians, the plant and animal worlds were an inexhaustible source of decorative themes, particularly in the design of small,...

Four Bracelets from Tomb of King Djer

Four Bracelets from Tomb of King Djer

These four bracelets were discovered at Abydos in the tomb of King Djer of the 1st Dynasty. They were fastened onto a linen-wrapped forearm of a woman, who might have been King Djer’s queen or a member of the royal family. The bracelets were held in place by linen bandages, which made it possible to...

Ba Bird Amulet of King Psusennes I

Ba Bird Amulet of Psusennes I

This elegant, tiny amulet of beaten gold in the shape of a human-headed bird represents the Ba. It symbolizes the immortal soul, which is invoked to come back after death and “to attach itself to its corpse in the god’s domain,” according to the Book of the Dead, Spell number 89. It was charged with...

Tutankhamun Pectoral with the Sky Goddess Nut

Tutankhamun Pectoral with the Sky Goddess Nut

This pectoral was found in the chapel of Anubis within the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62); it shows the goddess Nut in human form with her wings and arms outstretched, protecting the cartouches of Tutankhamun. Below her wings can be seen eight rows of hieroglyphs, again related to protection by the gods. The pectoral is surmounted...

Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

The scarab bracelet of Tutankhamun is considered a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian jewelry. The rigid gold bracelet is composed of two semicircles joined together by a hinge on one side and a clasp on the other. The central plaque bears a cloisonné scarab inlaid with lapis lazuli. The scarab, symbol of the morning sun, rebirth...

Two Bracelets of King Shoshenq II

Bracelets of Shoshenq II

These golden twin bracelets belong to King Shoshenq II were found, with another identical five bracelets, around the wrists of the king. The two ornaments here are decorated with the wadjet eye, above the hieroglyphic “Neb” sign symbolizing eternal protection for the king. The decorations of the bracelets are identical except for the eyes. The...

Jewelry of King Tutankhamun

Jewelry of Tutankhamun

This is part of a large cache of jewelry found by Howard Carter in the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62). It was discovered with many other pieces of jewelry in a box inlaid with ebony and ivory. Top center: Pectoral in the form of a winged scarab. JE 61886 Bottom center: Lid of an inlaid gold...

Pectoral of Princess Sithathor

The frame of this pectoral of Princess Sithathor is topped by a cavetto cornice. Below, at the center of the piece, is a cartouche of Senusret II, surmounted by the hieroglyphic symbol for gods. On either side of the cartouche is a hawk, each wearing the Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, and standing...