
Isis Amulet with Chain of General Wendjebauendjed

Isis Amulet pendant with Chain of Wendjebauendjed

This amulet pendant of General Wendjebauendjed is in the shape of a standing figure of Isis. She is shown here as a woman with two horns over her head flanking the solar disk. The goddess Isis is wearing a tripartite wig with a protective uraeus, or rearing cobra, on the forehead. She is wearing a...

Two Ladies Amulet of Psusennes I

This gold amulet was found on the mummy of King Psusennes I. The two ladies amulet combines two important deities, the vulture goddess Nekhbet and the cobra goddess Wadjet, the titulary deities of Upper and Lower Egypt who signified the union of the land. The two ladies are Nekhbet, the vulture goddess associated with Nekhen...

Girdle of Princess Sithathor

Girdle of Princess Sithathor

The girdle of the Princess Sithathor is made of eight gold, half-open cowry shells. The ones at each end have flat reverses, and were joined by means of grooves to serve as a clasp, fastening the girdle when they slid one into the other. The shells are separated from each other by rhomboidal polychrome beads...

Relief of Smelting of Gold

Relief depicts metalworkers employed in the manufacture of jewelry, smelting gold by blowing into a furnace. Detail of a wall carving in the Mastaba of Mereruka. The ancient Egyptians did engage in gold manufacturing during the Old Kingdom. Gold was highly valued and sought after in ancient Egypt, and it was used for various purposes,...

Earrings of Seti II

This earrings of King Seti II was found in 1908 with other artifacts belonging to the king and to Queen Tausert in a hiding place in the Valley of the Kings. It is composed of a flat trapezoidal centerpiece from which hang seven pendants in the form of cornflowers. At the end of the upper...

Gold Signet Ring of Amenhotep II

Gold Signet Ring of Amenhotep II

Ancient Egyptian signet-ring with a rectangular bezel bearing a cartouche with the name of King Amenhotep II flanked by Nile gods (Hapi). The Egyptians primarily used signet, or seal, rings, in which a seal engraved on the bezel can be used to authenticate documents by the wearer. Egyptian seal rings typically had the name and titles...

Two bracelets of Psusennes I

Bracelet of Psusennes I

This unique bracelet of Psusennes I is decorated with a winged scarab as its major feature. The scarab holds the sun-disc in its front legs, and the shen-sign of infinity with its rear legs. The cartouches of Psusennes I can also be seen, each surmounted by a sun-disc. The cartouches and the scarab are separated...

Triad of King Osorkon II

Triad of Osorkon II

This extremely precious solid gold and lapis lazuli item of pendant jewelry belongs to king Osorkon II – a true masterpiece of antique goldsmith – represents the holy triad of the Osiris family. Despite the presence of the god of death, this piece was more a temple treasure than a funerary jewel. The three solid...

Flexible Beaded Bracelet of King Tutankhamun

Flexible Beaded Bracelet of Tutankhamun

The principal ornament of this beautiful beaded bracelet of Tutankhamun is a large scarab at one end; when worn, the scarab would have appeared to be the central ornament. The scarab is not a single piece of stone, but is made of a number of pieces of lapis lazuli fitted most carefully into gold cloisonnés...

Necklace of Tutankhamun with Lunar Pectoral

Necklace of Tutankhamun with Lunar Pectoral

This necklace was discovered in a cartouche-shaped box that was found on the floor of the treasury and likely worn during Tutankhamun’s life. Pectorals attached to necklaces and decorated with figures of deities and the symbols that were associated with them formed a high proportion of the jewelry found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. In this example...