
Inlaid Gold Bracelet of King Psusennes I

Inlaid Gold Bracelet of Psusennes I

This inlaid gold bracelet was found on the right arm of King Psusennes I’s mummy, although it is inscribed on the inside with the word “Iabet” meaning “east” or “left”. The burial chamber of Psusennes I, third king of the 21st Dynasty, contained many pieces of jewelry, among which were two identical bracelets. The bracelet...

Gold Inlaid Pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I

Gold Inlaid Pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I

This inlaid pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I is in the shape of a shrine. Its base is decorated with wavy lines in reference to the primeval water. It is protected by two falcons. In the center of a boat, King Ahmose I is shown with the gods Re and Amun. The two gods are pouring...

Golden Flies of Queen Ahhotep I

Necklace of Ahhotep with Golden Flies

Necklace of Queen Ahhotep, or Iah (“peace of the moon”) with golden flies. The fly symbolized tenacity, this ceremonial necklace given as award for valor in battle. This necklace, with three pendants in the form of flies, was given to queen Ahhotep by her two sons Kamose and Ahmose in gratitude for her supportive role...

Pectoral of Tutankhamun with Winged Scarab

Pectoral of Tutankhamun with Winged Scarab

In this exquisite pectoral, a winged large scarab beetle riding on a sacred barque flanked by the goddesses Isis and Nephthys with their arms outstretched as a sign of protection. The scarab serves a double function: as a heart scarab and as the ba of the sun god lighting the way to the underworld. The pectoral...

Pectoral of King Amenemhat III

Pectoral of Amenemhat III

A 12th dynasty Egyptian Middle Kingdom pectoral belonging to princess Mereret, the daughter of king Senusret III and sister of king Amenemhat III. The pectoral shows the cartouche or royal name of king Amenemhat III and depicts this king triumphantly defeating his enemies. “The king himself appears on either side in a stance familiar to...

Ancient Egyptian Signet Ring

Ancient Egyptian Signet Ring

This signet ring belonging to a person call Sa-Neith, who held the following titles: ‘Prophet and Divine Father’, ‘Director of Chapels (of the goddess Neith)’, ‘Priest of Horus’, ‘He whose two Diadems are Great’, ‘Lord of the City of Letopolis (in the delta; possibly the city of origin of the owner of the ring)’. The...

Pectoral of King Amenemope

Pectoral of King Amenemope

The central feature of this pectoral is a lapis lazuli scarab pushing the sun-disc with its front legs, while the rear legs hold the cartouche of King Amenemope. To either side, the goddesses Isis and Nephthys protect him. At the bottom of the pectoral an inscription provides the name of the king. The frame of the...

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

This pectoral of king Shoshenq II, a large piece of jewelry worn on the chest, is in the form of a naos, or inner temple. It is topped by a decorative band with the winged sun disk. The main scene is of openwork design and shows the winged scarab Khepri. The scarab is below another...

Flying Falcon Amulet of King Amenemope

Flying Falcon Amulet of Amenemope

The falcon amulet of King Amenemope is represented stretching its wings and grasping the Shen sign to which two plaques bearing the cartouches of the king are attached. The solid gold head is turned to the left. Other parts of the hawk such as the beak, the eyes, the back of the neck, and the...

Bracelet of Plain and Striped Rings of King Psusennes I

Bracelet of Plain and Striped Rings of Psusennes I

This plain bracelet is of unusual, delicate and simple design. It was found on the mummy of King Psusennes I. Among the jewelry found in Tanis, there were varieties of designs, mostly comprising stone scarabs and inlays of semiprecious stones and glass. The bracelet is in two parts of seven tubes connected by a hinge...