
Relief of Horus and Seth

Relief of Horus and Seth

In this decoration showing the theme of the unification of the Two Lands ‘Sema Tawy’, Horus and Seth replaced Hapi, which was associated with the Nile god. Detail on the side of the throne of King Senusret I. Furthermore, we have here one of the rare cases in which the image of Seth, god of...

Electrum Falcon Pendant of the God Horus

Pendant Amulet of the God Horus

Horus was the symbol of the king and his protector, on this pendant amulet he is shown wearing the Double Pschent Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, the symbol of kingship. The falcon’s wings are folded, and he perches on a schematic version of the traditional block border motif. The pendant was formed of two...

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

The pectoral of king Shoshenq II displays two falcons at its top, each wearing the Double Pschent Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. They are sitting upon the hieroglyphic symbol for sky, which is adorned with stars. Below, resting upon a boat, can be seen a lapis lazuli sun-disc, with an image of the enthroned...

Statue of King Horemheb and God Horus

Statue of Horemheb and Horus

In this nearly life-size statue made of white limestone, Horemheb is seated on the right side of Horus, who places his right arm around the king’s waist. The god’s left hand is holding the sign of life. The two figures greatly resemble each other. Both have bare upper bodies and wear the shendyt kilt and...

Falcon Pectoral of Tutankhamun

Falcon Pectoral of Tutankhamun

Pectoral jewel of Tutankhamun depicting Horus in the form of a falcon with outspread wings around the sun disk, holding shen rings, the symbols of eternal protection in his claws. The pectoral is a symbol of protection and divine power, and it showcases the exquisite craftsmanship and wealth of the New Kingdom period in ancient...

Gold Head of the Falcon God Horus

Gold Head of the Falcon God Horus

This exquisite gold head of the falcon god Horus, lord of the sun and patron deity of kingship, was found below the floor of the main chamber of his temple at Hierakonpolis, north of Edfu. The head, which is made out of beaten gold, was fixed to a copper statue of the falcon Horus. It...

Statue of the God Horus as a Falcon

This fine limestone statue probably comes from a chapel dedicated to the god Horus, in the vicinity of the tomb of King Djer at Abydos. At the time of the discovery, the statue still retained significant remains of its polychromy. The breast was covered with a gold leaf, and the wings still had, in places,...

Group Statue of Ramesses III with Horus and Seth

Statue of Ramesses III with Horus and Seth

The group statue represents King Ramesses III, the god Horus and the god Seth. The three statues are standing and are all approximately the same height. The statue of the king is between the other two, which are represented in profile. The King is wearing the white Hedjet crown of Upper Egypt with the royal...

Mummy of a Falcon

The mummy of a falcon represents the god Horus. The falcon is wrapped in the shape of a human mummy. The head is covered with a falcon-shaped mask, which consists of several layers of linen with a thick coating of painted stucco. The linen bandages intersect to form lozenge shapes. The mummy wears a wig...