
Golden Hawk

Dating from around c. 600-200 B.C., this golden inlaid depiction of a hawk or falcon in flight, would have been a representation of the deity Horus. Inlaid with multicoloured glass, the British Museum archives this piece as a pectoral. Based upon appearance, it appears the claws are missing and would have once been placed within...

cippus of Horus

Cippus of Horus

This stele is known in Egyptian art as a cippus (pl. cippi) or magical stele. The instructions found on some cippi indicate that they were used to heal afflictions caused by snake or scorpion venom. Specifically, Egyptians believed that the water poured over these cippi would be transformed into a curative remedy that the afflicted...

Metternich Stela

Metternich Stela (Cippus of Horus)

The Metternich stela belongs to a group of stelae known as the “Cippi of Horus” or ‘Stelae of Horus on the crocodiles’. The top half of this stela was skillfully carved in the hard dark stone. On the part below the central figure panel, rows of hieroglyphs record thirteen magic spells to protect against venomous...

Silver seated falcon

This is a solid-cast silver statuette of a falcon headed deity with a plaited wig inlaid with lapis lazuli. The figure almost definitely would have been used as a cult statue and was originally covered in sheet gold, some of which still remains. Hieroglyphic texts and temple reliefs show that the ancient Egyptians included divine...

Amulet of Isis, Horus, and Nephthys

Amulet of Isis, Horus, and Nephthys

According to the myth the sister goddesses Isis and Nepthys cared for the body of Osiris and later they protected his son Horus as a young child. The three deities depicted in this triad amulet are some of the main protagonists in the Osiride myth that tells the murder and revival of the god Osiris...

Statue of Horus wearing Roman military costume

Statue of Horus wearing Roman military costume

This limestone seated statue of Horus, now housed in the British Museum (EA51100), stands as a testament to the intricate fusion of Egyptian and Roman artistic and religious traditions. Carved in the form of the falcon-headed deity but clad in Roman military attire, this sculpture embodies the cultural synthesis that defined Roman Egypt. The figure,...

Statue of Horus Falcon Wearing Pschent Crown with Uraeus

Statue of Horus Falcon Wearing Pschent Crown with Uraeus

Lord of the sky, solar god, and god of kingship — Horus is among Egypt’s oldest deities. The falcon soaring in the sky embodied the god’s qualities, and Horus was represented as a falcon or falcon-headed man. As heir to the divine kingship of Egypt, he appears here with the royal uraeus (cobra) and the...

Objects from Theban Tomb MMA 840

Objects from Theban Tomb MMA 840

This group of objects was found in a plundered chamber in Tomb MMA 840, excavated by Herbert Eustis Winlock (1884-1950), an archeologist who worked for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, reached by a shaft in the portico of a rock-cut tomb in the Asasif section of the Theban necropolis. Among the finds were parts of...

Statuette of Isis suckling Horus

Statuette of Isis suckling Horus

In this statuette of Isis suckling Horus, the goddess is seated on a throne whose hieroglyphic sign is used to write her name. She wears a lovely three-part “raven black” wig with tubular locks covering her shoulders with the remains of a vulture; it is surmounted by a mortar ringed with uraei. In its center...

Mirror of Isis with Horus as a baby

Mirror of Isis with Horus as a baby

This bronze mirror portrays Isis as a figure of fertility and maternity. She holds her son, Horus, who appears as a miniature adult. As the mother of Horus, the protector of the king, Isis was essentially the queen of the gods, and thus the universal mother. The form above her head looks much like the...