giza plateau

Menkaure & Unidentified Female

King Menkaure, the illustrious pharaoh of Egypt’s Fourth Dynasty, reigned during the mid-26th century B.C., leaving an enduring legacy of majesty and refinement. Best known for his resplendent pyramid at Giza—smaller yet more exquisitely crafted than those of his predecessors—Menkaure was a sovereign of both might and measured grace. His reign is immortalised through sublime...

Mertites & Chennoe

This piece was discovered at Giza, and the inscription indicates that two persons are depicted, a woman named Mertites (who is depicted twice) and a boy named Chennoe (also sometimes written as Shenoe). The relationship between Mertites and Chennoe is not documented upon the piece, however, it is more than likely that they are mother...

Statue of Hemiunu

Statue of Hemiunu

“King’s Son of his Body”“Chief Justice”“Greatest of the Five of the House of Thoth” Prince Hemiunu was the son of Nefertmaat and Itet, grandson of king Sneferu, and nephew of king Khufu. Therefore, it is safe to say that Hemiunu, was a man at the centre of Egypt’s pyramid age. As well as the grand...