
Granulation earrings of Tutankhamun

Granulation earrings of Tutankhamun

The granulation earrings of Tutankhamun are not just stunning examples of ancient Egyptian craftsmanship; they also provide insight into the material culture and artistic styles of the 18th Dynasty, particularly during the New Kingdom (around 1332-1323 BC). The earrings are particularly notable for their intricate granulation technique, where tiny gold beads are fused together to...

Gold and enamel earring with Hathor and rosette Meroë, Nubia (Kushite region), c. 90 B.C. –50 A.D. Boston Museum of Fine Arts. 23.341

Golden Hathor earring found in Meroë

This golden earring depicting the Ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor was discovered in the location of the ancient city of Meroë, capital of the Kingdom of Kush for several centuries from around 590 B.C., until its collapse in the 4th century A.D. The golden Hathor earring would have been a representation of the goddess and may...

Earrings of King Ramesses XI

Earrings of Ramesses XI

This pair of gold earrings, bearing the cartouche of King Ramesses XI, was found on a female mummy. They are formed of convex disks grooved along the edge and decorated with five uraei, or royal cobras, on the outer face. The three snakes in the middle bear a sun disk while the two outer ones...

Earrings of Tutankhamun with Duck Heads

Earrings of Tutankhamun with Duck Heads

This pair of earrings is the most beautiful of the four pairs discovered in the Tomb of Tutankhamun. The ducks with outstretched wings form a circle and its feet hold the shen sign. The head is made of translucent blue glass and the wing is fashioned in cloisonné. Under the duck hang gold and blue...

Earrings of Seti II

This earrings of King Seti II was found in 1908 with other artifacts belonging to the king and to Queen Tausert in a hiding place in the Valley of the Kings. It is composed of a flat trapezoidal centerpiece from which hang seven pendants in the form of cornflowers. At the end of the upper...