Deir el-Medina

Coffin of Lady Madja

The tomb of Lady Madja was discovered in a cemetery in Western Thebes overlooking the valley of Deir el-Medina, behind the hill of Qurnet Mourai. What is interesting about the tomb, is that the coffin of Lady Madja was the only depiction of funerary texts and scenes of offerings that the Egyptians believed to be...

Bes Ostracon

This limestone ostracon from the artisans village of Deir el-Medina (Egyptian: Set Ma’at = “The Place of Truth“), shows a beautifully intricate line drawing of the dwarf god Bes. The faint red pigmented lines, now orange, showcase the talent of the artists living within the worker’s village of Deir el-Medina. Likely a trial piece to...

Statue of Penmernabu

This limestone statue of a man named Penmernabu holding a shrine was discovered at Deir el-Medina. Penmernabu’s shrine is surmounted by the head of a ram, an animal sacred and associated with the god Amun-Ra. The first datable remains of the village of Deir el-Medina (Set Ma’at) belong to the reign of Thutmose I (c....

Coffin of Iineferty

Iineferty was the wife of Sennedjem, an artisan who lived in the worker’s village of Deir el-Medina, and who worked during the reigns of both king Seti I and his son king Ramesses II. Sennedjem is most famous today for his beautifully decorated tomb, where he and his family were interred, which is now known...

Ancestor Busts

During early excavations of the worker’s village of Deir el-Medina, numerous anthropoid busts of limestone and clay, referred to as “ancestor busts” were found. French Egyptologist Bernard Bruyère (10 November 1879 – 4 December 1971), proposed the idea that these “ancestor busts”, rather than being funerary items or temple tributes, would have actually been a...

Kha and Merit receiving offerings from son Nekhetef

This beautiful decorated wooden trunk was discovered within the famous tomb of the foreman Kha and his wife Merit, known as tomb TT8 at Deir el-Medina. Depicted within a painted scene, whose borders are adorned with decorative floral, zigzag and geometric designs, is the married couple Kha and Merit, receiving offerings of food, drink and...

Stela in dedication to Khonsu from draughtsman Pay

Stela in dedication to Khonsu from draughtsman Pay

Pay was a man who lived in the famous workers/artists village of Deir el-Medina, then known as Set Ma’at, which translates to “The Place of Truth”. Pay’s titles tell us that he worked as a draughtsman, a very important role in making sure that both the temples and tombs of the royals and elites of...

Female dancer from Deir el-Medina

Female dancer from Deir el-Medina

This limestone ostracon was discovered in the famous Workers Village of Deir el-Medina. Dating from approximately, 1292–1076 B.C., this piece was created within the 19th or 20th Dynasty. Deir el-Medina (Set Ma’at) was a workman’s village, which was state commissioned and owned. The artisans and architects who would design and build the tombs of the...

Stela dedicated by Ramose to the goddess Qadesh, shown between Min and Reshep

Goddess Qetesh

The functions of Qetesh in Egyptian religion are hard to determine due to lack of direct references, but her epithets (especially the default one, “lady of heaven”) might point at an astral character, and lack of presence in royal cult might mean that she was regarded as a protective goddess mostly by commoners. Known sources...

This votive stela, dated from the reign of Amenhotep III and found at Deir el-Medina, is dedicated to the goddesses Taweret and Mut of Isheru, both female deities of motherhood and femininity. It was commissioned and dedicated by a man “[ … ] of [the house of] Amun, Khonsu“, in hopes for a woman’s safe and successful pregnancy and childbirth.

Votive stela with figures of Goddesses Taweret and Mut of Isheru

This votive stela, dated from the reign of Amenhotep III and found at Deir el-Medina, is dedicated to the goddesses Taweret and Mut of Isheru, both female deities of motherhood and femininity. It was commissioned and dedicated by a man “[ … ] of [the house of] Amun, Khonsu“, in hopes for a woman’s safe and successful pregnancy and childbirth.