
Coffin of Takhebkhenem, Lady of the House, daughter of Pedikhons

Coffin of Takhebkhenem, Lady of the House, daughter of Pedikhons

This coffin, belonging to a woman called Takhebkhenem, is made of wood, with polychrome painted decoration. The British Museum notes that, “the vignettes, which are executed in a very conservative style, show the deceased carrying a sistrum before Osiris, her mummy on a bier, and a strange hawk-headed kneeling figure, described as Osiris, there is...

Coffin for young girl from Akhmim. British Museum. EA29587

Coffin for young girl from Akhmim

Wooden lid and base of a coffin for a young girl from Akhmim, Sohag, Egypt, c. 50 B.C.- 50 A.D. This coffin dates from the period of Greco-Roman rule and can be seen by the garment the young girl is seen depicted wearing. However, despite this she maintains her Egyptian religious belief, by being mummified...

outer Coffin of Henuttawy

Outer Coffin of Henuttawy

The outer coffin lid of Henuttawy, intended to resemble a wrapped mummy, wears an elaborate pectoral topped by a cavetto cornice in the shape of a small shrine within which are two winged wadjet eyes, with suspended uraeus cobras holding ankhs. Below these, Horus falcons flank a central scarab that pushes a sun disk upward,...

The sarcophagus of Sha-Amun-en-su.

Coffin of Priestess Sha-Amun-en-su

Sha-Amun-en-su was an Ancient Egyptian ritualistic singer and priestess of Amun at the Temple of Karnak. Her name translates to “Fertile Fields of Amun”, and she died around 750 B.C. Sha-Amun-en-su lived during the Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt (Bubastite Dynasty), where the kings ruled from the city of Bubastis (“House of Bast“, Ancient Egyptian: “Per-Bast“)....

Fragmentary Coffin Face of Sitdjehuti

Fragmentary coffin face of Sitdjehuti

This fragmentary face of Queen Sitdjehuti is the upper part of her coffin, which was made of gold-plated sycamore wood and stucco. Sitdjehuti was a princess and queen of Egypt 3,500 years ago. Sitdjehuti was the daughter of King Senakhtenre Ahmose and Queen Tetisheri. She was the wife of her brother Seqenenre Tao and was...

Face from a coffin. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Egyptian - Oriental Collection Inv. No. INV 917

Face from a coffin

This face from a coffin is made of wood and paint still remains. The face has a slight soft smile. It dates from the New Kingdom Period’s 18th Dynasty (c.1300-1400 B.C.), and is currently under the ownership of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, in Vienna, Austria. The mummies of the ancient Egyptian elite were placed into wooden...

Coffin of Pa-di-tu-Amun. Christies, 2019.

Coffin of Pa-di-tu-Amun

Although the coffin belongs to an Ancient Egyptian man named Pa-Di-Tu-Amun, the coffin lid was originally made for a female priestess, with the titles “mistress of the house, chantress of [Amun]”. The feminine quality of the art is still noticeable. Acquired in Egypt during the 1920s, by the Swedish scientist Olof Vilhelm Arrhenius, this Third...

Sarcophagus of Nectanebo II

Sarcophagus of Nectanebo II

The conglomerate sarcophagus of Nectanebo II was discovered after being used as a bath in the Attarin Mosque, the former Church of St Athanasius, in Alexandria, Egypt. Drill holes at the bottom of the coffin, used for drainage, had been installed and are still very noticeable. Unfortunately, due to it being used as a bath,...

Sarcophagus lid of Tjentwerethequa

Sarcophagus lid of Tjentwerethequa, “Priestess of Amun”

Sarcophagus lid of Tjentwerethequa, “Priestess of Amun” Third Intermediate period, Early 22nd Dynasty, c. 1000- 901 B.C. It is believed, Tjentwerethequa’s grandson, a senior priest of Amun-Re named Iufenamun, was of the priesthood responsible for the reburial of the old kings into the secret caches, which hid the past rulers of Ancient Egypt away from...

Petamun and Penhorpabik, coffin and coffin lid for the two brothers

Petamun and Penhorpabik, coffin lid for the two brothers

Petamun and Penhorpabik, who lived and died around, c. 175-200 A.D., were young boys who shared the same father, a man named Amenope, but different mothers who are currently unknown. We know they were half brothers’ due to a papyrus scroll accompanying the pair at their burial, which may have been dedicated to the boys...