
Caesar’s Egypt

The arrival of Julius Caesar in Egypt in 48 B.C. marked a turning point in the history of the ancient world, intertwining Rome’s fate with that of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. His involvement was not merely a matter of conquest but of political intrigue, romance, and a struggle for supremacy that would shape the future of...

Cleopatra II or III

This head of a queen most likely represents Cleopatra II or her daughter, Cleopatra III. There were 7 Cleopatra’s of Egypt overall, with the 7th being the most notable, going just by “Cleopatra” to the masses. Despite this, the other Cleopatras’ reigns were also filled with notoriety and left some splendid artefacts, such as this...

Bust of Cleopatra VII

This marble portrait of Cleopatra VII was discovered at Via Appia, between Ariccia and Genzano and was likely on display in a private villa south of Rome.The bust dates from approximately 40-30 B.C., and was made during the queen’s lifetime. Cleopatra VII is seen wearing the broad royal diadem of her Ptolemaic lineage, and her...

Vulture Headdress Inlay

Vulture Headdress

This inlay of a vulture headdress is said to have been discovered among the Treasure of Dendara, and dates from the Ptolemaic Period, c. 100 – 1 B.C., and is made from gold and over 100 semi-precious stones. Thin plates of over 100 perfectly cut precious stones were cut to make this delicate piece. The...

Harpocrates flanked by Isis & Nepthys

Harpocrates flanked by Isis & Nepthys

Sister goddesses, Isis and Nepthys, stand beside and hold hands with Harpocrates, the god of silence, secrets and confidentiality in the Hellenistic religion developed in Ptolemaic Alexandria. Harpocrates stands in the centre, his youthfulness indicated by his nudity and the sidelock of hair worn on his head. He is flanked by Isis and Nephthys. All...

Mummy of Cleopatra. British Museum. EA6707

Mummy of Cleopatra

This is the mummy of a 17-year-old young woman called Cleopatra, who lived during the Roman Period of Ancient Egypt, c. 100-120. She is cited as the daughter of Candace, a member of the Cornelius Pollius family, the Archon of Thebes, under the rule of Emperor Trajan. The inscriptions state that Cleopatra died at age...

Statue of Cleopatra VII Philopator

Statue of Cleopatra VII Philopator

Black basalt statue of Cleopatra VII Philopator, last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, 1st century BC. Cleopatra VII Philopator is one of the most mesmerizing women in all of history. Born of a Ptolemy, she became queen at the early age of 17. Cleopatra was highly educated in the full laws and...