Cavetto Cornice

Canopic Shrine of King Tutankhamun

Canopic Shrine of Tutankhamun

Inside this imposing and elaborate gilded canopic shrine was the alabaster chest that contained the four canopic miniature coffins. At each side of this shrine stands an elegant statue of one of the four female divinities in charge of protecting the deceased king, their faces turned slightly to one side and their arms stretched out...

Pectoral of Princess Sithathor

The frame of this pectoral of Princess Sithathor is topped by a cavetto cornice. Below, at the center of the piece, is a cartouche of Senusret II, surmounted by the hieroglyphic symbol for gods. On either side of the cartouche is a hawk, each wearing the Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, and standing...

Pectoral of Osiris, Isis and Nephthys

Pectoral of Tutankhamun with Osiris, Isis and Nephthys

The pectoral of Tutankhamun looks at first glance to be presenting the goddesses Wadjet and Nekhbet, the symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt, standing on either side of Osiris. However, the hieroglyphic inscriptions beside them state that they are in fact Isis (next to the vulture) and Nephthys (next to the cobra). Goddess Isis wears...