Cavetto Cornice

Stele of Qetesh

Stele of Qetesh

The Stele of Qetesh is a rectangular limestone monument which features a cavetto cornice at the top and is bifacial, with inscriptions and reliefs on both sides. The stele measures approximately 31.5 cm in height and 18.8 cm in width. The central figure is Qetesh, depicted as a frontal nude woman with a Hathoric wig...

outer Coffin of Henuttawy

Outer Coffin of Henuttawy

The outer coffin lid of Henuttawy, intended to resemble a wrapped mummy, wears an elaborate pectoral topped by a cavetto cornice in the shape of a small shrine within which are two winged wadjet eyes, with suspended uraeus cobras holding ankhs. Below these, Horus falcons flank a central scarab that pushes a sun disk upward,...

Pectoral of Psusennes I

Pectoral of Psusennes I

The pectoral of Psusennes I is framed by alternating precious stones, topped by a cavetto cornice, and with a row of alternating djed pillar and tit (Isis knot) symbols at the bottom, below a row of sun-discs. A winged scarab can be seen in the middle, and a cartouche of the king above and below,...

Pectoral bearing the name of Ramesses II

Pectoral bearing the name of Ramesses II

The pectoral bearing the throne name of Ramesses II written in a cartouche above what is already a dense composition. Two djed pillars fill in the lower corners of the rectangular frame; they symbolize stability and the rebirth of Osiris. Nekhbet and Wadjet, goddesses of Upper and Lower Egypt, stand side by side within the...

Relief of the god Amun-Re

Relief of Amenhotep I as Amun-Re

A limestone lintel from the Temple of Amun-Re at Karnak depicts the deified King Amenhotep I, shown wearing the headdress of the god Amun-Re. Shown here a remain of a wall that has a niche that probably housed a statue. It’s topped by the Egyptian cavetto cornice and we can see the Niswt Bity title...

Votive Ram’s Head

Votive Ram Head of Penta-weret

This splendid votive bust of a ram head with curving horns and stylized mane is placed on an inscribed pedestal. The top of the pedestal is marked by a cavetto cornice and a torus molding. The front has a shallow incised decoration of Amenhotep I in front of an offering stand. He is identified as...

Shrine of King Taharqa

Shrine of Taharqa

The Shrine of Taharqa part of a temple built at Kawa, Nubia (modern Sudan) in about 680 BC. It was built on the orders of Taharqa who was King from 690 – 664 BC. The shrine was dedicated to the sun and fertility god Amun-Re. It was intended to give help to Taharqa in ruling...

Pectoral of King Amenemope

Pectoral of King Amenemope

The central feature of this pectoral is a lapis lazuli scarab pushing the sun-disc with its front legs, while the rear legs hold the cartouche of King Amenemope. To either side, the goddesses Isis and Nephthys protect him. At the bottom of the pectoral an inscription provides the name of the king. The frame of the...

Stele of Akhenaten and his family. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 44865

Stela of Akhenaten and his family

The limestone stela shows King Akhenaten and his family as a “Holy Family.” It is considered to be an icon and was intended to be kept in a private chapel of an Amarna house. The stele, topped by the cavetto cornice, is decorated with a scene of an intimate moment from the daily life of...

Tutankhamun Pectoral with the Sky Goddess Nut

Tutankhamun Pectoral with the Sky Goddess Nut

This pectoral was found in the chapel of Anubis within the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62); it shows the goddess Nut in human form with her wings and arms outstretched, protecting the cartouches of Tutankhamun. Below her wings can be seen eight rows of hieroglyphs, again related to protection by the gods. The pectoral is surmounted...