
Ptolemaic Mummy Mask

Ptolemaic Mummy Mask

In the Ptolemaic period, the mummy was not enclosed by a complete mummy case, but only by individual pieces of covering, including a mummy mask. Before placing the mummy in its coffin, a number of decorations could be applied. The outer mummy bandages could be painted, the mummy could receive a net of beads with...

Mummy Mask of a Man

Mummy Mask of a Man

This mask would have covered the head of the mummy of a an Egyptian man. It is highly decorated with images of protective amulets and gods to aid in the journey towards becoming a glorified spirit in the afterlife. Over the head spread the wings of a vulture while a winged sun disc, symbol of...

Cartonnage mask of Shep en-Mut

Cartonnage Mask of Shep en-Mut

The ancient Egyptian mummy, coffin and cartonnage mask of Shep en-Mut were donated to the museum in 1897. The decoration and inscriptions show she was a married woman, and the daughter of NesAmenempit, who is described as a ‘carrier of the milk-jar’. Cartonnage masks were an integral part of ancient Egyptian funerary practices. These masks...

Mummy of Pacheri

Mummy of Pacheri

It is the mummy of a man about 1.65 meter tall, who lived during the Ptolemaic Period (ca. 305-30 BC). The quality of its embalming, as well as the state of conservation make it a specimen noticeable and worthy of notice. The mummy is a perfect example for anyone wanting to understand the technique of...

Mask of Thuya

Mask of Lady Thuya

The mummy mask of Tjuyu or Thuya is made of cartonnage covered with a thin layer of gold foil. When found it was completely covered with the remains of its linen shroud removed by the restorer. A few fragments of the shroud, now blackened with age, still adhere to the wig and part of the...