
Canopic chest of Sobekemsaf I

Canopic chest of Sobekemsaf I

Sobekemsaf was a Theban king of the Second Intermediate Period, when northern Egypt was occupied by the Hyksos. This chest contained his embalmed entrails, which were wrapped and contained in four ‘canopic’ jars. An image of these jars is painted on the flat inside lid of this chest. The outer surface of the lid is...

Canopic case & jars of Gua

Canopic chest & jars of Gua

This wooden chest with four painted Egyptian alabaster canopic jars belongs to somebody called Gua. They date from the 12th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt’s Middle Kingdom, approximately, 1939-1760 B.C. Discovered in Deir el-Bersha, they are inscribed with funerary texts on behalf of Gua, invoking the Four Sons of Horus, Isis, Nephthys, Selket and Neith. Three of the jars retain remains of linen packages inside.

Statuette of Duamutef

Statuette of Duamutef

This Jackal-headed god statuette, one of the four gods protecting the organs of Tutankhamun, is easily mistaken for Anubis but is in fact Duamutef “He who adores his mother”. Duamutef is one of the Four Sons of Horus, to whose particular protection the stomach was entrusted once it had been removed from the body during...

Is this the face of Queen Kiya?

Egyptian Alabaster Canopic jar of a queen

Egyptian-Alabaster Canopic jar of an 18th Dynasty queen, found within tomb KV55. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, Amarna Period, c. 1349–1330 B.C. One of four Canopic jars believed to have belonged to Akhenaten’s secondary wife, Queen Kiya. Despite being associated with Kiya, the image of the beautifully carved wig adorned royal upon the jar lids has...

Chest for Canopic Jars of Shoshenq I

Canopic Chest of Shoshenq I

This calcite-alabaster canopic chest and its lid were made for storing the canopic jars of Shoshenq I (943-922 BC), the founder of the 22nd Dynasty of Egypt. The nomen and prenomen cartouches of Shoshenq I are carved on the surface. No trace has yet been found of the tomb of Shoshenq I. Egyptologists differ over...

Canopic Jar of Duamutef

Canopic Jar of Duamutef

A canopic jar lid with a representation of Duamutef, the jackal-headed son of Horus, protected the stomach of the deceased and was in turn protected by the goddess Neith. The Four Sons of Horus were a group of four gods in ancient Egyptian religion, who were essentially the personifications of the four canopic jars, which...

Miniature Coffin of Tutankhamun

Miniature Coffin of Tutankhamun

The interior of the alabaster canopic chest of King Tutankhamun was divided into four compartments, each holding a miniature gold coffin containing the viscera of the king, wrapped in bandages. These mummiform coffins were decorated inside with texts and outside with a feather design inlaid in carnelian and colored glass and the titles of the...

Canopic chest of King Tutankhamun

Canopic Chest of Tutankhamun

This alabaster canopic chest of Tutankhamun is considered to be one of the finest masterpieces of King Tut’s collection. The interior of the chest is divided into four compartments, each with a cylindrical hollow covered by a lid elegantly carved in the form of the king’s head. At the four corners of the chest, carved...

Osiris Canopus Jar

Osiris Canopic Jar

A Canopic jar with the head of Osiris emerging from it. In the cult of Isis and Serapis, during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. Osiris Canopus jars (also known Osiris-Hydreios) were carried by priests during processions. As they are solid, each symbolically carried water from the Nile, fertility that originated from the god Osiris, one...

Canopic Jars of Maiherpri

All the four canopic jars of Maiherpri are in a perfect state of preservation except for some missing blue paste that was used to fill in the carved inscriptions. A spot of black resin appears in the middle of the inscriptions upon the jar, which carries invocation of Nephthys and Hapy. The four jars were...