

Aamu (Egyptian language: đ“‚ťđ“„żđ“…“đ“…± ꜥꜣmw) was an Egyptian word used to designate Western Asians in antiquity. It is commonly translated as “Western Asiatic,” however some argue that it could refer to the Canaanites or Amorites: â—‹ Canaan was a Semitic-speaking culture and territory of the Southern Levant in the Ancient Near East that existed in...

Stela dedicated by Ramose to the goddess Qadesh, shown between Min and Reshep

Goddess Qetesh

The functions of Qetesh in Egyptian religion are hard to determine due to lack of direct references, but her epithets (especially the default one, “lady of heaven”) might point at an astral character, and lack of presence in royal cult might mean that she was regarded as a protective goddess mostly by commoners. Known sources...

Gold and enamel earring with Hathor and rosette Meroë, Nubia (Kushite region), c. 90 B.C. –50 A.D. Boston Museum of Fine Arts. 23.341

Golden Hathor earring found in Meroë

This golden earring depicting the Ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor was discovered in the location of the ancient city of Meroë, capital of the Kingdom of Kush for several centuries from around 590 B.C., until its collapse in the 4th century A.D. The golden Hathor earring would have been a representation of the goddess and may...