Cairo Museum

Comb with the name of Djet

Ivory Comb with the name of King Djet

Some important artifacts were found in the tomb of the 1st Dynasty king Djet at Abydos in Petrie’s Tomb Z. Such as this wide-toothed comb, which is made of hippopotamus ivory. The king’s name is engraved inside the serekh, or palace facade. It is the earliest surviving depiction of the heavens symbolized by the outspread...

Statuette of King Tutankhamun with Leopard

Statuette of Tutankhamun with Leopard

Statuette of Tutankhamun wearing the white crown and holding staff and flail, carried upon the back of a black leopard. The king is shown standing with his left leg forward on a rectangular pedestal fixed to the back of the leopard. He holds a long staff in one hand and the flail in the other....

Statue of King Senusret III

Statue of Senusret III

This statue of Senusret III sculpted of black granite was found in the forecourt of the temple of Mentuhotep II at Deir el-Bahari. It was one of the six statues that Senusret III dedicated to the temple of his ancestor Mentuhotep. Senusret restored and endowed this temple, which was the site of an important local...

Standing Statue of Mentuemhat

Statue of Mentuemhat

This standing statue portrays the nobleman Mentuemhat, who played an important role in the clergy of Amun-Re at Karnak and in the administration of Thebes. It shows him as a middle-aged man in the usual striding pose. Although the body was rendered in the traditional artistic style, well built and proportioned, his wrinkled facial features...

Statue of Thutmose III Offering Two Nu Vases

Kneeling Statue of Thutmose III

In this unique marble statue, King Thutmose III is shown kneeling in a pose of worship, offering two Nu vases for libation to Amun-Re. He wears the royal nemes headdress, surmounted by the uraeus, or rearing cobra. His body is well modeled with defined muscles. The king is kneeling on the nine bows, which represent...

Royal face, probably King Thutmose III

Royal face probably Thutmose III

This royal face of Thutmose III remained from a head of a statue. The style suggests that the sculpture was done during the first half of the 18th Dynasty, most probably for Thutmose III. Although only parts of this face carved in obsidian remain, it is clear that the features were very delicate. The eyes...

Colossal of King Akhenaten

Colossal Statue of King Akhenaten

A colossal statue that represents Akhenaten standing with his arms folded, holding the flail and heka scepters. He is depicted with his particular realistic features; long face, narrow eyes, the long protruding chin, and the fleshy lips. The king is shown naked, without any distinctive sexual organ, which is thought, by some Egyptologists to represent...

Corn Mummy of Osiris

Corn Mummy of Osiris

This falcon-headed coffin does not contain an actual mummy but a symbolic Osiris mummy stuffed with grains like corn and sand. The falcon head on the coffin and the hieroglyphic text on the painted lid indicate they are associated with the funerary deity Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. During the mysteries, two statuettes of Osiris were manufactured: one was...

Relief of Trading Scenes of Punt

Trading Scenes of Punt

This relief of trading scenes of Punt is one of many decorated blocks that record the trading expedition sent to the land of Punt by Hatshepsut. Punt was a locality near the Red Sea and the south of Egypt, now southern Sudan or Eritrea or Ethiopia. The block shows Parehu, the Ruler of Punt, holding...

Seated Statue of Queen Nofret

Statue of Queen Nofret

In this statue, Queen Nofret is shown seated on a throne, wearing a wig known as a Hathor wig, which has three separate tresses of hair. A large tress falls behind the head, while two wavy tresses are pulled to the front and wrapped in narrow bands, which end over the breasts in two spirals...