Cairo Museum

Usekh Collar of Ahhotep I

Usekh Collar of Queen Ahhotep I

The Usekh adorned collar of Queen Ahhotep I, with clasp made from two hawk heads, formed by small elements representing baboons, quadrupeds, birds, crosses, bells and geometrical motifs. The Usekh or Wesekh is a personal ornament, a type of broad collar or necklace. It was one of the most common types of Egyptian ornaments. It...

Bust of King Merenptah

Bust of Merneptah

This gray granite bust from a statue of King Merneptah shows the king as a middle-aged man. He wears the nemes headdress topped by uraeus, or rearing cobra. His names are engraved upon his shoulders. The torso shows a strong, well-built body, serious face but softer features. The statue was once painted; the headdress was...

Statue of King Teti

Statue of King Teti

The statue of King Teti was originally represented standing with his left leg forward. The legs are now broken and missing. There are no inscriptions on the statue, but it almost certainly belongs to King Teti of the 6th Dynasty because it was found in the funerary temple of that king at Saqqara. The king...

Tutankhamun Scarab Necklace

Tutankhamun Scarab Necklace

Gold inlay necklace and pendant with scarab from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. A flexible pectoral with suspension chains and counterpoise clasp. This necklace with pectoral of the rising sun on the horizon is one of the finest of the many pectorals found in king Tut’s treasures. It has a large lapis lazuli scarab in the...

Statue of Ramessesnakht holding the Theban Triad

Statue of Ramessesnakht and the Theban Triad

Ramessesnakht is donating a statue of the Theban family, Amun is seated in the middle of the little group wearing tall feathers on his flat topped crown, to his left his wife the goddess Mut with a special tall crown and their son Khonsu sitting at his father’s right. Ramessesnakht served as High Priest of...

Dagger of Tutankhamun

Dagger of Tutankhamun

The iron dagger of Tutankhamun is closely correlates with meteoric composition, including homogeneity. Originally discovered in 1925 within the burial wrappings of the king by archaeologist Howard Carter, the iron dagger is of meteorite origin. Tutankhamun’s mummy was provided with two daggers encased in gold sheaths, one with an iron blade and the other with...

Bracelets of Seti II

Bracelets of Seti II

Two similar silver bracelets found in an anonymous tomb in the Valley of the Kings together with other items belonging to King Seti II and his consort, Queen Twosret . Each bracelet is composed of two parts joined by a hinge and a clasp. The main part is decorated with a scene that shows the...

Wooden Statue of Ptah

Wooden Statue of Ptah

This gilded statue depicts Ptah, the divine patron of craftsmen and artists and lord of creation at Memphis. Twenty-eight wooden statues of deities, wrapped in linen, were found in black-painted shrines. Their purpose was to protect the king during his journey in the underworld. The gilded statue of Ptah wears a robe, richly ornamented with...

Mirror of Princess Sithathoriunet

Mirror of Princess Sithathoriunet

This mirror of Princess Sithathoriunet is a masterpiece of Middle Kingdom art. The mirror itself is made from silver, while the handle is of obsidian. The handle takes the form of a papyrus stem inlaid with gold ending with a double sided face of the goddess Hathor. Through the depiction of the goddess Hathor, the...

Comb with the name of Djet

Ivory Comb with the name of King Djet

Some important artifacts were found in the tomb of the 1st Dynasty king Djet at Abydos in Petrie’s Tomb Z. Such as this wide-toothed comb, which is made of hippopotamus ivory. The king’s name is engraved inside the serekh, or palace facade. It is the earliest surviving depiction of the heavens symbolized by the outspread...