Cairo Museum

Bracelet of Shoshenq II

This bracelet is one of pair bracelets found around the wrist of king Shoshenq II with representations of the Wadjet eye above the hieroglyphic “Neb” sign symbolizing eternal protection for the king. The Egyptians often referred to the sun and the moon as the “eyes” of particular gods. The right eye of the god Re,...

Winged Scarab Pendant of King Tutankhamun

Winged Scarab Pendant of Tutankhamun

This winged scarab pendant of cloisonné technique is inlaid with semiprecious stones and colored glass. The central element of the pendant is a scarab of Libyan desert glass, grasping on one side a lotus and on the other a papyrus flower, flanked by two uraei, or rearing cobras. A gold frame outlines the main composition...

Corselet of Tutankhamun

Corselet of Tutankhamun

Howard Carter found the fragments of Tutankhamun corselet in various places around the antechamber of the tomb. Some were contained in three small chests and a small gilded wooden shrine, while others lay on the ground in the antechamber and the corridor. Two pendants were joined to the collars: the front one portrays Amun-Re on...

Statuette of a Hippo

Statuette of a Hippo

This faience hippo statuette was found in Dra’ Abu el-Naga’ in western Thebes. The glossy blue glaze is the color of the Nile, where the animal lived, and the decoration shows various representations of fauna and flora that grew by the river. The flowers, papyrus plants, and perching birds are depicted in black, linear forms....

Sphinx of King Amenemhat III

Sphinx of Amenemhat III

The granite sphinx of Amenemhat III was discovered at Tanis (today San al-Haggar). It shows Amenemhat III with a human face and a lion’s body, in other words, a perfect creature, as intelligent as a human being yet as strong as a lion. Seven sphinxes of Amenemhat III were found in Tanis in the eastern...

Relief of King Senusret III

This decorative lintel relief with hieroglyphs identify king Senusret III wearing the crown of Lower Egypt (left) and the crown of Upper Egypt (right) during the Heb Sed. Horus and Seth on standards give million years of life to the king. Sed festivals were jubilees celebrated after a ruler had held the throne for thirty...

Ka Statue of King Hor Awibre

Ka Statue of King Hor

This wooden Ka statue with rock-crystal quartz eyes was excavated in 1894 in the tomb of king Hor Awibre or Hor I that was found by a team of excavators under the direction of the archaeologist Jacques de Morgan. His tomb is located north of the pyramid complex of Amenemhat III at Dahshur. The wooden...

Model of a Carpentry Workshop

Model of a Carpentry Workshop

This model from Meketre’s funerary furniture shows some carpenters in their carpentry workshop. They are busy with woodworking of various kinds. One carpenter in the middle is sawing a piece of wood while other workmen are working around the sides holding hoes. A carpenter sits in the middle of the scene and uses a mallet...

Head of King Amenhotep III

Head of Amenhotep III

In this portrait head, King Amenhotep III is portrayed with the features of a young boy; he has a round full face, almond-shaped eyes, curved eyebrows, a small nose and a fleshy mouth. These features determine that the head belonged to the so-called “second group” of portraits of Amenhotep III, from the last years of...

Statue of Hathor Protecting Psamtik

This schist statue depicts goddess Hathor protecting Psamtik who is standing in a posture of prayer, with the seal of his profession as chief scribe hanging from his neck. Psamtik is standing beneath the figure of a cow representing the goddess Hathor. She was the goddess of love, music, and motherhood. Here Hathor wears her...