Cairo Museum

Pyramidion of Amenhotep (Huy)

Pyramidion of Amenhotep (Huy)

Pyramidion of the royal scribe Amenhotep Huy during the reign of Ramesses II, 1279-1213 BC. From Saqqara necropolis. True pyramids (at least the larger ones), as opposed to step pyramids in Egypt were topped by a special stone called a pyramidion, or sometimes a capstone, which was itself a miniature pyramid. It brought the pyramid...

Statue of Hetepdief

Statue of Hetepdief

The statue of Hetepdief is one of the earliest examples of private statuary, and more importantly, it is yet the first ancient Egyptian statue shown kneeling in the attitude of prayer while maintaining its conformity with ancient Egyptian artistic conventions. On his right shoulder can be seen the Horus names of three 2nd Dynasty Kings...

The Libyan Palette

The Libyan Palette

The Libyan palette also known as Tehenu palette is the surviving lower portion of a stone cosmetic palette bearing carved decoration and hieroglyphic writing. It dates from the Naqada III or Protodynastic Period of Egypt (c. 3200 to 3000 BC). It was found at Abydos. The palette is decorated with intricate carvings and is believed...

Gold Vase with the Royal Cartouches of Psusennes I and Henuttawy

Gold Vase with Cartouches of Psusennes I and Henuttawy

This gold vase or bowl of Psusennes I with carved stripes on the body reveals the fine taste and skills of the craftsmen of the period. It bears four cartouches engraved on it, saying “The Adoratress of Hathor Henuttawy, Mother Divine of Khonsu, Aakheperre chosen of Amun, Psusennes beloved of Amun.” It is unclear if...

Cartouche Shaped Box of Tutankhamun

Cartouche Shaped Box of Tutankhamun

The cartouche shaped box carries the name of Tutankhamun, executed in the most handsome hieroglyphs, made up of ebony and stained ivory. Less grand, but still elegantly formed, hieroglyphs are used for the many texts which are incised and filled with blue paint on the upper rim of the lid, surrounding the cartouche, and in...

King Unas being suckled by a goddess

King Unas being suckled by a goddess

Fragment of a relief depicts king Unas being suckled by unidentified goddess. These reliefs are often found in temple complexes and tombs, and they serve as visual representations of the divine nature and legitimacy of the king. The concept of a king being suckled by a goddess is often seen as a metaphorical representation of...

Gold Sandals of King Shoshenq II

Gold Sandals of Shoshenq II

Gold sandals found on the mummified body of the king Shoshenq II. Ensured that the king would be shod like the gods in the afterlife. Shoshenq II was the only ruler of the 22nd Dynasty whose tomb was not plundered by tomb robbers. His final resting place was discovered within an antechamber of Psusennes I’s...

Statue of Ptahshepses as a Scribe

Statue of Ptahshepses as a Scribe

Ptahshepses in this statue is portrayed as a scribe sitting on the ground with his legs crossed. He has a partly unrolled papyrus on his knees, a common “reading scribe” posture in Ancient Egypt. A heart-shaped amulet hangs around his neck with a counterpoise at the back. The head of Ptahshepses is inclined gently toward...

Double Cartouche Perfume Box of Tutankhamun

Double Cartouche Perfume Box of Tutankhamun

This double cartouche shaped perfume box of Tutankhamun is gilded and inlaid with colored glass paste. The sides of the box feature a relief of Heh, god of eternity holding above and around his head the cartouches of the king. Each side is composed of two inward-facing cartouches containing the figure of the king squatting...

Head of a Leopard with Cartouche of Tutankhamun

Head of a Leopard with Cartouche of Tutankhamun

The tomb of Tutankhamun contained many leopard heads like this gilded one. This head differs from others in having the king’s cartouche incised atop its head. The leopard head adorned a garment that imitated the animal’s skin. This was the distinctive garment of the Sem priest. The leopard’s body and fur were particularly valuable in...