Cairo Museum

Akhenaten Making Offerings

Statue of Akhenaten Making Offerings to Aten

This small statue, which depicts King Akhenaten making offerings, was discovered in a house in the residential area of Tell el-Amarna. This type of statuette served as a figurative embodiment of the human pharaoh, enabling the magic rituals in the celebration of religious rites connected with Aten. Akhenaten was a pharaoh who reigned during the...

Princess Khenmet's necklace

Princess Khenmet necklace

The necklace of Khenmet is surmounted by a strand of gold beads of increasing diameter towards the centre, consisting of six rows of gold beads. Four rows are formed by the succession of the hieroglyphs ankh, was, djed, symbolising life, power, stability respectively. At the ends of the necklace are attached two exquisite gold falcon...

Tutankhamun Headrest

Several headrests were found among the treasures in Tutankhamun’s tomb. This carefully carved ivory one depicts the god Shu holding up the celestial vault. If one goes to sleep on one’s side, then one’s head ends up a few centimetres above the surface one is lying on, a distance equal to the breadth of one’s...

Vulture Pectoral of Tutankhamun

This vulture pectoral of Tutankhamun is a stunning piece of ancient Egyptian jewelry that was found in the tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun. This pectoral, or chest ornament prominently features the goddess Nekhbet, the patroness of Upper Egypt. The vulture pectoral was found in a box within the treasury. It is unusual in that,...

Mannequin of Tutankhamun

Mannequin of Tutankhamun

This mannequin of king Tutankhamun was located in the annex of his tomb at the Valley of the Kings (KV62) and was found amid other items used in daily life and for ceremonial purposes. It is made of wood covered with a thin layer of plaster, which was then painted. It has a smooth, white...

Mummy of Sitre-In

This mummy of a woman known as “Mummy KV60b” was discovered within a large (7ft) sarcophagus in Tomb KV60 of the Valley of the Kings. She is one of two female mummies discovered within the tomb, and her coffin was inscribed with the title of “Great Royal Nurse, In” [Egyptian: wr šdt nfrw nswt In]....

Statue of Prince Tjau Seated on the Ground

This distinctive statue depicts Prince Tjau seated in an asymmetrical pose different from the usual cross-legged pose of a scribe at work. His right leg is pulled up in front of him and his left folded beneath each hand is placed on a knee, indicating that he is at rest. He is dressed in a...

The Mummified Dog

Among the many treasures of Ancient Egypt lies a remarkably well-preserved mummified dog, a testament to the deep bond between Egyptians and their canine companions. Dogs were domesticated in Egypt and, much like today, were cherished as loyal pets. Depictions on temple walls and artefacts show hunting and battle scenes featuring pharaohs in chariots, accompanied...

Amenemhat III Seated Statue

Amenemhat III (Ancient Egyptian: Ỉmn-m-hꜣt meaning ‘Amun is in the forefront’), also known as Amenemhet III, was a king of Ancient Egypt and the sixth ruler of the Twelfth Dynasty in the Middle Kingdom. His father, Senwosret III, elevated him to the throne as co-regent, and he shared the throne as active king for twenty...

Amenhotep III stele

The Victory Stele of Amenhotep III The stele, was erected to commemorate King Amenhotep III’s (c. 1391-1353 BC) triumph over his opponents. This part displays two concurrent scenarios, with the king standing in his horse-drawn chariot. Above him, the goddess Nekhbet extends her protective wings, symbolising life, stability, and dominion. A quiver of arrows hangs...