Cairo Museum

Figured Ostracon

Figured Ostracon of animals

An ostracon sketch of animals such common crane, a vulture, and a hound possibly basenji. This probably a series of trial sketches, not an integrated composition, and the subjects were sketched independently. Sketches of animals on ostraca were a common form of artistic expression in ancient Egypt. These sketches depicted a wide range of animals,...

Ostracon of the god Hapi

Ostracon of the god Hapi

An ostracon depicted in two faces, the verso depicted with a double-figure of the Nile god Hapi standing, with a fat body wearing a crown of the two plants of Upper and Lower Egypt and a short kilt. On the left, the god raises his left leg while the right one raises his right leg...

Ostracon of a Prayer

Ostracon of a Prayer

This ostracon is depicting a scribe as a prayer, drawing on a piece of limestone. The ancient Egyptians drew on ostraca for a variety of reasons; for example, while planning work on tombs or as exercises. Ostraca are simple splinters of limestone or shards of pottery, on which the ancient Egyptians wrote or drew. This...

Ostracon of a Cat Minding Geese

Ostracon of a Cat Minding Geese

Ostracon of a cat, standing on its hind legs, acts as guide and protector to a flock of six ducks or geese, arranged in two registers, or sections. The ostracon shows a cheerful episode from an Egyptian folktale. In this tale the roles of the natural world are reversed. Above the birds is a nest...

Statue of Akhenaten Kissing his Daughter

Statue of Akhenaten Kissing his Daughter

This unfinished limestone statue of King Akhenaten kissing his daughter is of high artistic quality. It was discovered in a sculptor’s atelier, or workshop, at Tell el-Amarna. It depicts King Akhenaten supporting on his knee one of his daughters, probably Meritaten. Akhenaten sits on a stool wearing a short-sleeved tunic and the Blue Khepresh Crown...

Model Boat with Crew Sailing Upstream

Model Boat with Crew Sailing Upstream

The traditional model of a boat depicts the crew sailing upstream. The boat is equipped with a mast, spars, or poles, and a well-preserved linen sail, and rigging and an oar. The models of the 15 members of the crew vary in posture, except for their feet, which are separately modeled in stucco. They are...

Girdle with cowrie shells of gold

Girdle with cowrie shells of gold

The girdle with golden cowrie shells could have been worn by a small woman. It was slipped over the head and arms to rest on the widest part of her hips and to cross the lowest part of her abdomen. Such girdles were commonly depicted on the little dolls of wood or faience often found...

Statue of King Sneferu

Statue of King Sneferu

In this statue, King Sneferu, the founder of the 4th Dynasty, can be seen wearing the White Hedjet Crown of Upper Egypt, and a collar around his neck. The king wears a short kilt, which is carved in detail and tied by a belt. The cartouche of king Senferu can be seen at the center...

Canopic Jar of Duamutef

Canopic Jar of Duamutef

A canopic jar lid with a representation of Duamutef, the jackal-headed son of Horus, protected the stomach of the deceased and was in turn protected by the goddess Neith. The Four Sons of Horus were a group of four gods in ancient Egyptian religion, who were essentially the personifications of the four canopic jars, which...

Egyptian Faience Hedgehog Statuette

Hedgehog Statuette

The statuette is a faithful model of a hedgehog with a long nose, small eyes, and pointed ears, but the body is completely covered with spines in a rather representational manner. The figure is made from blue faience and stands on an oval faience base. Images of hedgehogs were painted in tombs of the Old...