British Museum

Nubians bringing tribute

Nubians bringing tribute

The first man carries rings of gold, while the second man carries an Ebony log upon his shoulder and a giraffe’s tail in his other hand. The third man has a monkey perched upon his shoulder as he carries a bowl filled with chunks of jasper and a leopard skin. Nubians offering tribute of gold...

Sarcophagus lid of the Vizier Sasobek

Sarcophagus lid of the Vizier Sasobek

Black siltstone base and lid of the anthropoid sarcophagus of Sasobek, northern vizier of Egypt during the reign of Psamtik I: the lid is finely carved, showing the deceased wearing wig, beard and collar and with two vertical registers of hieroglyphic offering texts, surmounted by a figure of Nut. “It may have been found in...

Glazed composition beaded necklace. British Museum. EA57886

Glazed composition beaded necklace

This string of glazed composition beads; with various colours and forms, including grapes and daisies, dates from the 18th Dynasty of Pharaonic Egypt. It is 32.5cm in length and was purchased from Hon Richard Bethell and acquired by the British Museum (EA57886) in 1925. The striking colours of both the amulets and the beadwork of...

Painted limestone seated statuette of Mahu and his wife Duat.

Mahu and his wife Duat

This doubled seated painted limestone statue depicts the overseer Mahu, who is titled with “Overseer of the work of Amun at Karnak” and his wife Duat, who was a priestess with the title “Priestess of Amun-Ra and Hathor“. Due to their titles it is to be believed the pair were from Thebes, and thus, it...

Unknown couple statuette

Unknown couple statuette

This seated double statuette, made from painted limestone, is 28cm tall and depicts an Ancient Egyptian couple dating from the middle of the 18th Dynasty. Unfortunately, the piece is uninscribed, despite the sides having “scalloped motifs, edged on two sides with a decorative border of rectangles.” The piece is in typical Ancient Egyptian fashion, showcasing...

Blue glazed ushabti of Seti I

Blue glazed ushabti of Seti I

This head of a ushabti represents king Seti I of Ancient Egypt’s 19th Dynasty, c. 1294-1279 B.C and was discovered within the king’s tomb. The head measures at 5.77cm tall and 7.75cm wide. A composition of blue glaze, this head of Seti I showcases the king wearing the Ancient Egyptian “nemes” stripped royal headdress. The...

Plaster face of an elder

Plaster face of an elder

This plaster face of an elderly face was discovered in Tell el-Amarna, the location of king Akhenaten’s experimental capital city of Akhetaten. Within this city was discovered a workshop belonging to the “king’s favourite” sculptor, a man by the name of Thutmose. It was of the remnants of this workshop where the world-famous, objectively breathtaking...

Inlay of a princess

Inlay face of a princess, possibly Meritaten, made from opaque turquoise-blue glassNew Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, c. 1351–1334 B.C.Tel el-Amarna.British Museum. EA54264 Meritaten, also spelled Merytaten, Meritaton or Meryetaten (Ancient Egyptian: mrii.t-itn), was an ancient Egyptian royal woman of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Her name means “She who is beloved of Aten“; Aten being the...

Ebony figure of a man, with young boy at side

Standing at 48.30cm, this statuette of a man is carved from ebony and once had inlaid eyes and brows, likely made of glass or semi-precious stone. Upon the side of the striding man is a profile figure of a young boy. The man wears a shoulder-length wig parted in the middle. He is shirtless but...

Mummy mask of Satdjehuty

Mummy mask of Satdjehuty

Daughter of king Senakhtenre Ahmose and his wife Tetisheri, Satdjehuty (Daughter of Thoth) was a sister-wife to her brother king Seqenenre Tao and held multiple titles including, “King’s Wife“, “King’s Sister“, and “King’s Daughter“. Sitdjehuti was also the sister of queens Ahhotep I and Ahmose-Inhapy, also sister-wives to their brother king Seqenenre Tao. Sitdjehuty and...