
Mummified Dog

This mummy of a dog was discovered besides the mummy of a baboon within Tomb KV50, near King Amenhotep II’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Edward R. Ayrton unearthed Tomb KV50, within the Valley of the Kings, in 1906 while excavating on behalf of Theodore M. Davis. The tomb is part of the...

Pet Monkey

Pet Monkey

A pet monkey under the chair of Maia, wife of the dignitary Rij, as seen upon the north-wall of the antechapel within Rij’s tomb. New Kingdom, Late 18th Dynasty-Early 19th Dynasty, c. 1550–1186 B.C. Tomb of Rij, Saqqara.
Now at Neues Museum, Berlin. ÄM 7278

Bes vessel

Bes vessel

This green-glazed composition vessel depicts the dwarf god Bes on one side and a circular display of varied animals, including a lion, ibexes, antelopes, deer and fowl on the back. One of the animals in the circle seemingly looks like a camel, but it is uncertain. Purchased by Dr Erich Cassirer and residing in the...

Syrian men depicted bringing tribute of vases, weaponry and animals (including horses and bears) to Egypt, within the tomb chapel of the vizier Rekhmire (TT100). An example of trade between the nations.

Syrian men bringing tribute to Egypt

Syrian men depicted bringing tribute of vases, weaponry and animals (including horses and bears) to Egypt, within the tomb chapel of the vizier Rekhmire (TT100). An example of trade between the nations. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Thutmose III – Amenhotep II, c. 1479-1400 B.C.Valley of the Nobles, Theban NecropolisPhotograph by manna4u

Middle Kingdom Bangle with gold & silver amulets. British Museum. EA24787

Middle Kingdom Bangle with gold & silver amulets

This bangle dates from the Middle Kingdom Period, c.2055-1650 B.C. and was found in Egypt, exact location unknown. It is made from a concoction of beaten, cast and soldered gold, with golden and silver amulets of Ancient Egyptian religious iconography such as, the Wadjet Eye and Djed Pillar, alongside animals such as a hare and...

The three men at the front kneel and raise their hands in praise for Tutankhamun

Tribute from the South, Lower Nubia (Wawat), Upper Nubia (Kush)

A relief of a tribute from the South from the tomb of Huy, the Viceroy of Kush, “King’s Son of Kush, Overseer of the Southern Countries”. A Viceroy is “the governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of a king or sovereign”. He rules over the foreign territories, for the sake...