
Golden Head of the God Osiris

Gold Head Amulet of Osiris

Amulet showing the head of the god Osiris, on his head he wears the White Hedjet Crown of Upper Egypt on which the uraeus stands out. The cult and images of the god have undergone profound changes over time. For example, Osiris, lord of the underworld, is also included in the solar cycle: it is...

Flying Falcon Amulet of King Amenemope

Flying Falcon Amulet of Amenemope

The falcon amulet of King Amenemope is represented stretching its wings and grasping the Shen sign to which two plaques bearing the cartouches of the king are attached. The solid gold head is turned to the left. Other parts of the hawk such as the beak, the eyes, the back of the neck, and the...

Isis Amulet with Chain of General Wendjebauendjed

Isis Amulet pendant with Chain of Wendjebauendjed

This amulet pendant of General Wendjebauendjed is in the shape of a standing figure of Isis. She is shown here as a woman with two horns over her head flanking the solar disk. The goddess Isis is wearing a tripartite wig with a protective uraeus, or rearing cobra, on the forehead. She is wearing a...

Amuletic disk (Hypocephalus)

Amuletic disk (Hypocephalus)

The term hypocephalus refers to a piece of Late Period and Ptolemaic funerary equipment. It is specifically an amuletic disc made of cartonnage, bronze, textile, or rarely from papyrus and even wood, emulating a solar disc. It was made for Tasheritenkhonsu. Linen and plaster, inscribed in ink. It dates to the Late Period, 26th Dynasty,...

Two Ladies Amulet of Psusennes I

This gold amulet was found on the mummy of King Psusennes I. The two ladies amulet combines two important deities, the vulture goddess Nekhbet and the cobra goddess Wadjet, the titulary deities of Upper and Lower Egypt who signified the union of the land. The two ladies are Nekhbet, the vulture goddess associated with Nekhen...

Amulet of the God Osiris

A solid gold amulet of Osiris in his typical guise, wearing the atef crown and a divine beard, and holding the crook and flail in his hands held against the chest. A ring is attached to the back, allowing this figure to be worn as an amulet.  The material gold is precious and easily recycled,...

Papyrus Column Amulet

This papyrus column amulet, meant to be worn, carried, or offered to a deity in the belief that it will magically bestow a particular power or form of protection, depicts a papyrus scepter or column. This plant, named wadj, meaning “green” or “fresh”, and the choice of green-blue faience all strongly evoke vitality and regenerative...

Grasshopper Amulet

Grasshopper Amulet

Amulet of a grasshopper made of lapis lazuli. The grasshopper, like the scarab, was a common insect motif for the ancient Egyptian. It was used as a hieroglyph, a seal, an amulet, a symbol of beauty, and an illustration of life along the Nile. The image of the grasshopper can be both favorably used to...

Mummy Plaque of King Psusennes I

Mummy Plaque of Psusennes I

This plaque, or thin plate, was placed on the mummy of king Psusennes I over the incision made in the lower abdomen to remove the internal organs. The plate was intended to heal and form a scar over the incision. In the center of the plate, there is a sacred wadjet eye flanked by the Four Sons...

Obsidian two finger amulet

Two Finger Amulet

This amulet depicts two finger that are about life-size. Two finger amulets were used exclusively for the dead and were often found placed on the embalming incision, which was made during the mummification process. These amulets were meant magically to heal the wound. The first examples of this amulet type date to 26th Dynasty, ca....