
Is this the face of Queen Kiya?

Egyptian Alabaster Canopic jar of a queen

Egyptian-Alabaster Canopic jar of an 18th Dynasty queen, found within tomb KV55. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, Amarna Period, c. 1349–1330 B.C. One of four Canopic jars believed to have belonged to Akhenaten’s secondary wife, Queen Kiya. Despite being associated with Kiya, the image of the beautifully carved wig adorned royal upon the jar lids has...

Skeletonized mummy of KV55 (Akhenaten?)

Skull from the skeletonized mummy of KV55, believed by some to be that of king Akhenaten, whereas others propose it may be the mysterious king Smenkhkare. The skeleton was found in a vandalised coffin, with a vulture pectoral upon him. Recent C.T. scan analysis of the skeletal remains, put the age range of these bones...

Mummy of the Younger Lady

Tutankhamun’s mother (The Younger Lady)

The mummy known as “The Younger Lady”, formally identified as the mother of king Tutankhamun and full biological sister of the mummy known as KV55 (believed by some scholars to be that of Akhenaten but not officially certified), is a daughter of king Amenhotep III and his Great Royal Wife, Tiye. Modern analysis of “The...

Mummy of a Prince (possibly son of Tiye & Amenhotep, Thutmose)

This mummy of the adolescent boy was found between the mummy of Queen Tiye and her daughter (The Younger Lady) in Tomb KV35. Some scholars suggest this mummy could be the first son of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye, who died as a youth; Prince Thutmose. However, this has not been verified as yet and...

Figure of Akhenaten Holding an Offering Table

Figure of Akhenaten Holding an Offering Table

This painted sandstone figure of king Akhenaten was found besides a slightly shorter statue of his beloved queen Nefertiti, and depicts them both in an “offering” stance. Although the forearm and hands are missing from this statue, it is evident from the pose and positioning of what remains of the arms, that this piece would...

Egypt's Golden Couple: When Akhenaten and Nefertiti Were Gods on Earth

When Akhenaten and Nefertiti Were Gods

Akhenaten and Nefertiti became gods on earth by transforming Egyptian solar worship, innovating in art and urban design, and merging religion and politics in ways never attempted before. November 2022 marks the centennial of the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun and although “King Tut” is a household name, his nine-year rule pales in comparison...

Akhenaten Sacrificing Duck to Aten

Relief of Akhenaten Sacrificing Duck to Aten

On this block from a temple relief, Akhenaten, recognizable by his elongated features, holds a duck toward the Aten. With one hand he wrings the bird’s neck before offering it to the god. In this relief, the artist has cut the outlines of the figures into the surface in a technique called sunk relief. Sunk...

Colossal of King Akhenaten

Colossal Statue of King Akhenaten

A colossal statue that represents Akhenaten standing with his arms folded, holding the flail and heka scepters. He is depicted with his particular realistic features; long face, narrow eyes, the long protruding chin, and the fleshy lips. The king is shown naked, without any distinctive sexual organ, which is thought, by some Egyptologists to represent...

Finger Ring depicting King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti. Metropolitan Museum of Art. 26.7.767

Finger Ring of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

This gold ring of Akhenaten and Nefertiti was found at Tell el-Amarna. The hieroglyphs may be read as an ideogram. The two seated figures are probably Akhenaten (left) and Nefertiti (right) as the deities Shu (air as indicated by the feather he holds) and Tefnut (moisture). They were father and mother of the earth and...

Limestone fragmentary stele with Akhenaten

Fragmentary stele of Akhenaten

In this stele, Akhenaten is slouched on a low-backed, cushioned chair with side struts in the form of the ancient royal symbol for the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, which is partly obscured by the long sash of his pleated kilt. The Aten disk was above him, in the center of the stele. The...