4th Dynasty

Menkaure & Unidentified Female

King Menkaure, the illustrious pharaoh of Egypt’s Fourth Dynasty, reigned during the mid-26th century B.C., leaving an enduring legacy of majesty and refinement. Best known for his resplendent pyramid at Giza—smaller yet more exquisitely crafted than those of his predecessors—Menkaure was a sovereign of both might and measured grace. His reign is immortalised through sublime...

Prince Khuenra as a scribe

Statue of Prince Khuenra

Khuenre (Khuenra) was a fourth-dynasty Egyptian prince. He was the son of king Menkaure and his sister, Queen Khamerernebty II. He was the grandson of Khafre and Khamerernebty I, and the great-grandfather of Khufu, the monarch who erected the Great Pyramid of Giza. Furthermore, he worked as a secretary and held the title, “sole companion...

Mertites & Chennoe

This piece was discovered at Giza, and the inscription indicates that two persons are depicted, a woman named Mertites (who is depicted twice) and a boy named Chennoe (also sometimes written as Shenoe). The relationship between Mertites and Chennoe is not documented upon the piece, however, it is more than likely that they are mother...

Statue of Irukakhufu as a scribe

Irukakhufu was an Old Kingdom man who held many titles including, “Royal Acquaintance“, “(Royal) Wab-Priest” and “Overseer of the Pyramid-town of Khufu“. Discovered within the serdab of tomb at the Western Cemetery in Giza, known as Lepsius 21, the statue depicts a man in scribe form, who is believed to be Irukakhufu. Two large offering...

Statue of Hemiunu

Statue of Hemiunu

“King’s Son of his Body”“Chief Justice”“Greatest of the Five of the House of Thoth” Prince Hemiunu was the son of Nefertmaat and Itet, grandson of king Sneferu, and nephew of king Khufu. Therefore, it is safe to say that Hemiunu, was a man at the centre of Egypt’s pyramid age. As well as the grand...

Statue of Ninefertmin


This seated statue of a woman called Ninefertmin, would have been made in dedication to her memory in hopes of rejuvenating her spirit with offerings and prayers. It could have been commissioned by Ninefertmin herself, or by family. These types of portraits could often depict family members together, known as “group statues”, or husband and...

Panel of Rahotep

Panel of Rahotep

From the Mastaba of Rahotep and his wife Nofret at Beni Suef, this limestone panel depicts Prince Rahotep sat on a bull-legged chair before an offering table. Traditional offering formula is written above the table in hieroglyphs. Upon the offering table, 8 half loaves of bread have been placed. Rahotep wears a short round cropped...

Limestone head of Khafre

Limestone head of Khafre

This limestone head of a king with inlaid eyes was discovered outside the valley temple of Khafre’s pyramid complex at Giza, and is thought to be a representation of Khafre himself. The king wears the white crown, known as the “Hedjet” crown of Upper Egypt, and his eyes are lined with green. Green was a...

Inet, wife of Iry

Inet, wife of Iry

This limestone low relief depicts Inet, wife of Iry, in front of four smaller figures who are possibly Inet’s children; three women and boy.A funerary formula adorns the top of the scene. Summary:Limestone funerary relief of Inet, wife of IryOld Kingdom, 4th Dynasty, c. 2613-2494 B.C.From Giza. British Museum. EA1170

Nefer of the Old Kingdom

Nefer of the Old Kingdom

Nefer was a man of important status in Ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom period. The owner of Tomb G 2110 at Giza, Nefer clearly held enough societal importance to have a decorated tomb upon the Giza Plateau to enjoy eternity within. Nefer’s titles vary, among some of which are, “Strong-of-voice (of the judiciary), Chief of the...