22nd Dynasty

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

The pectoral of king Shoshenq II displays two falcons at its top, each wearing the Double Pschent Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. They are sitting upon the hieroglyphic symbol for sky, which is adorned with stars. Below, resting upon a boat, can be seen a lapis lazuli sun-disc, with an image of the enthroned...

Mummy of Djedptahiufankh

Mummy of Djedptahiufankh

Djed-Ptah-Iuf-Ankh was a priest, and examination of his mummified remains revealed that he died as a young man. He was buried at Deir el-Bahari Cachette (DB320), West Thebes. Djed-Ptah-Iuf-Ankh, held the title of, “Second Prophet of Amun” during Shoshenq I’s reign in the 22nd Dynasty. Djed-Ptah-Iuf-Ankh is only known from his burial and mummy. He...

Gold Cuff Bracelet of Prince Nemareth

Cuff Bracelet of Prince Nemareth

The inner side of the smaller segment of this cuff bracelet is inscribed for a man with the Libyan name of Nimlot (also rendered as Nemareth or the like). The bracelet was once inlaid with lapis lazuli. The external decoration of the bracelet consists of geometric decoration and a figure of a child god. The...

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

This pectoral of king Shoshenq II, a large piece of jewelry worn on the chest, is in the form of a naos, or inner temple. It is topped by a decorative band with the winged sun disk. The main scene is of openwork design and shows the winged scarab Khepri. The scarab is below another...

Triad of King Osorkon II

Triad of Osorkon II

This extremely precious solid gold and lapis lazuli item of pendant jewelry belongs to king Osorkon II – a true masterpiece of antique goldsmith – represents the holy triad of the Osiris family. Despite the presence of the god of death, this piece was more a temple treasure than a funerary jewel. The three solid...

Gold Statuette of Amun-Re

Gold Statuette of Amun-Re

In this gold statuette, Amun-Re stands in the traditional pose with the left leg forward. He is identified by his characteristic flat-topped crown, which originally supported two tall gold feathers, now missing. He wears the gods’ braided beard with a curled tip and carries an ankh emblem in his left hand and a scimitar across...

Statue of vizier Hor

Statue of the vizier Hor

The vizier Hor is shown seated with one leg bent up against his chest and the other resting on the ground; it is the traditional way to sit, and is used by Egyptian peasants to this day. He has a shaved head, delicate features, round cheeks and a small mouth. His kilt is held up...

Two Bracelets of King Shoshenq II

Bracelets of Shoshenq II

These golden twin bracelets belong to King Shoshenq II were found, with another identical five bracelets, around the wrists of the king. The two ornaments here are decorated with the wadjet eye, above the hieroglyphic “Neb” sign symbolizing eternal protection for the king. The decorations of the bracelets are identical except for the eyes. The...

Gold Mask of Shoshenq II

The death mask of Shoshenq II was found on the king’s mummy but was seriously damaged. It is made from a thick sheet of gold with hollow spaces for the eyes and the eyebrows where glass paste was to be inserted. The gold mask was fixed to the mummy by five small perforated tenons, three...

Bracelet of Shoshenq II

This bracelet is one of pair bracelets found around the wrist of king Shoshenq II with representations of the Wadjet eye above the hieroglyphic “Neb” sign symbolizing eternal protection for the king. The Egyptians often referred to the sun and the moon as the “eyes” of particular gods. The right eye of the god Re,...