21st Dynasty

Bracelet of Plain and Striped Rings of King Psusennes I

Bracelet of Plain and Striped Rings of Psusennes I

This plain bracelet is of unusual, delicate and simple design. It was found on the mummy of King Psusennes I. Among the jewelry found in Tanis, there were varieties of designs, mostly comprising stone scarabs and inlays of semiprecious stones and glass. The bracelet is in two parts of seven tubes connected by a hinge...

Isis Amulet with Chain of General Wendjebauendjed

Isis Amulet pendant with Chain of Wendjebauendjed

This amulet pendant of General Wendjebauendjed is in the shape of a standing figure of Isis. She is shown here as a woman with two horns over her head flanking the solar disk. The goddess Isis is wearing a tripartite wig with a protective uraeus, or rearing cobra, on the forehead. She is wearing a...

Two Ladies Amulet of Psusennes I

This gold amulet was found on the mummy of King Psusennes I. The two ladies amulet combines two important deities, the vulture goddess Nekhbet and the cobra goddess Wadjet, the titulary deities of Upper and Lower Egypt who signified the union of the land. The two ladies are Nekhbet, the vulture goddess associated with Nekhen...

Mask of Psusennes I

Mask of Psusennes I

In this gold mask, Psusennes I appears with the royal headdress surmounted by the uraeus, or royal cobra. He wears a divine plaited false beard. The mask is made of two pieces of beaten gold, soldered and joined together by five nails that can be seen from the back. The king wears the royal nemes...

Two bracelets of Psusennes I

Bracelet of Psusennes I

This unique bracelet of Psusennes I is decorated with a winged scarab as its major feature. The scarab holds the sun-disc in its front legs, and the shen-sign of infinity with its rear legs. The cartouches of Psusennes I can also be seen, each surmounted by a sun-disc. The cartouches and the scarab are separated...

Mummy of Maatkare Mutemhat

Mummy of Maatkare Mutemhat

Maatkare Mutemhat was the daughter of Pinedjem I, the powerful High Priest of Amun, who, in his reverence for the past, bestowed upon his children the names of Egypt’s greatest rulers. To his daughter, he gave the throne name of Queen Hatshepsut, linking her legacy to that of one of the most formidable women to...

Mummy Plaque of King Psusennes I

Mummy Plaque of Psusennes I

This plaque, or thin plate, was placed on the mummy of king Psusennes I over the incision made in the lower abdomen to remove the internal organs. The plate was intended to heal and form a scar over the incision. In the center of the plate, there is a sacred wadjet eye flanked by the Four Sons...

Ba Bird Amulet of King Psusennes I

Ba Bird Amulet of Psusennes I

This elegant, tiny amulet of beaten gold in the shape of a human-headed bird represents the Ba. It symbolizes the immortal soul, which is invoked to come back after death and “to attach itself to its corpse in the god’s domain,” according to the Book of the Dead, Spell number 89. It was charged with...

Her-weben-khet presents offerings to Ptah-Sokar in his form as Osiris

Book of the Dead of Her-weben-khet

Her-weben-khet also known as Herytubekhet or Heruben, the Chantress of Amun, was daughter of Isetemkheb D, wife of the High Priest of Amun, Pinedjem II, and granddaughter of the High Priest of Amun, Menkheperra. This papyrus is intended to be a part of her own abbreviated version of the Book of the Dead. It contains...

Gold Bowl of General Wendjebauendjed

Gold Bowl of Wendjebauendjed

This golden bowl with rosette in center from the reign of King Psusennes I of the 21st Dynasty, is inscribed with the name of Wendjebauendjed, who was an army general of that period. The artifact is decorated in the center with a cloisonné, polychrome glass paste flower from which 23 grooves radiate. It is thought...