Stele of Nit-Ptah

The stele depicts Nit-Ptah, his wife Seni, and their family: two males alternating with two females to create a pleasing chromatic contrast as a result of the different colors of their skins. Men were painted in ochre and women in light cream wash.

The head of the family, Nit-Ptah, is shown on the right, wearing a wide necklace, a white kilt and holding a cane and a staff in his hands. The woman next to him is probably his wife Seni, who wears a patterned dress with colored beads that leaves one breast uncovered. She is adorned with a narrow necklace, bracelets and anklets. She sniffs at an open lotus flower and is holding a bud in her right hand.

Stele of Nit-Ptah
Stele of Nit-Ptah, his wife Seni, and their family

The two figures at the end are identified in the inscriptions as Seni’s children. The son is in the same attitude as his father and the daughter is wearing a green dress.

The inscriptions over the figures are decorated in black and invoke the god Ptah-Sokaris to provide offerings for the Ka of each member of the family.

Middle Kingdom, ca. 2030-1650 BC.
Limestone. From Luxor.
Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 45625