Statue of Penbui as a Standard-bearer
The fine wooden statue of Penbui in the picture, represented with his left leg forward, supports with his arms two rods, resting on his shoulders, on which there is the image of the god Ptah on the left and the god Amun on the right, both seated on a throne.
Penbui wears a pleated skirt, wrapped around his hips, long below the knee, high on the back and degrading anteriorly to below the navel, completed by a trapezoidal panel also pleated like the rest of the dress. He wears a wig whose locks are rendered with vertical incisions, which opens at the sides of the face leaving two bands of overlapping curls.
Even if these characteristics are connected to the reign of Amenhotep III, the length of the fore bands, which reach up to the chest, suggest a dating going back to the Ramesside Period (ca. 1292-1070 BC), confirmed also by the characteristics of the dress.
Related: Statue of Ramesses III as a Standard Bearer
The titles of the character are reported on the back pillar, where we discover his name, Penbui.
New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, ca. 1292-1189 BC.
Wood, 61 x 14 x 33 cm.
Drovetti collection (1824).
Now in the Egyptian Museum of Turin. Cat. 3048, Sala 06 Vetrina 02