Mummy mask of Satdjehuty
Daughter of king Senakhtenre Ahmose and his wife Tetisheri, Satdjehuty (Daughter of Thoth) was a sister-wife to her brother king Seqenenre Tao and held multiple titles including, “King’s Wife“, “King’s Sister“, and “King’s Daughter“.
Sitdjehuti was also the sister of queens Ahhotep I and Ahmose-Inhapy, also sister-wives to their brother king Seqenenre Tao.
Sitdjehuty and Seqenenre Tao had a daughter named Ahmose, (Child of the Moon), whose tomb (QV47) is thought to be the first to be constructed in the Valley of the Queens. The linen shroud adorning the body of Ahmose held the title of her mother.
Sitdjehuty died around 1545-1513 B.C. It is thought she died as an elderly woman sometime during the reign of Amenhotep I, although some propose she outlived both Amenhotep I and his father Ahmose I.
In 1820 the mummy of Sitdjehuty was discovered. Present was her coffin, golden mask, a heart scarab, and linen donated by her niece Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, of which was lovingly inscribed with;
“Given in the favour of the god’s wife, king’s wife and king’s mother Ahmose Nefertari may she live, so Satdjehuty.”

British Museum. EA29770
Satdjehuti’s spoils were shared between Germany and Britain, with her mummy mask currently on display at the British Museum and the fragments of her coffin on display in Germany at the Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst in Munich.
Sitdehuty’s mummy mask is made of cartonnage and decorated with pigment and gold leaf. Once, her name was once written at the bottom of each column of hieroglyphs, but sadly has been lost. There are two columns of hieroglyphic text upon the chest.
Mummy mask of Queen Sitdjehuty
Late Second Intermediate Period, 17th Dynasty, c. 1500 B.C.
British Museum. EA29770
Read about about the fragments of Sitdjehuty’s sarcophagus which are currently on display at the Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst in Munich, Germany.