Egypt Museum ancient Egypt art culture and history

Statue of King Thutmose IV and his mother Tiaa

Statue of Thutmose IV and his mother Tiaa

In this seated statue of King Thutmose IV, he and his mother Tiaa are embracing each other. His mother was a secondary wife of his father Amenhotep II. Hieroglyphs on both sides of the chair give the names and titles for King Thutmose IV and his mother Tiaa. She was “the Great Royal Wife and...

Statuette of King Khufu

Statuette of King Khufu

The Khufu Statuette or the Ivory figurine of Khufu is an ancient Egyptian statue. Historically and archaeologically significant, it was found in 1903 by Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie during excavation of Kom el-Sultan in Abydos. Despite the discovery of a few other small fragments of the king’s statues and statuettes, this ivory statuette is...

Folding Cubit Rod of the architect Kha

Folding Cubit Rod of the architect Kha

The cubit rod of Kha folds in half with a simple bronze hinge at the center; there are absolutely no inscriptions. When Ernesto Schiaparelli discovered the rod, it was folded inside a leather bag with a strap. This extremely rare folding cubit rod was loved by Kha, who was the overseer of works in Deir...

Boulaq Museum, 1870s

Artifacts from the Tomb of Psamtik, 1870s

Artifacts discovered in a deep pit in the Tomb of the scribe Psamtik at Saqqara, Boulaq Museum, 1870s. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Seated statue of god Osiris – CG 38358 Osiris is shown seated, wrapped tightly, and holding the crook and flail – symbols of kingship – in his hands, crossed at his...

detail of the face of scribe Metri

Statue of Metri as a Scribe

The statue depicts Metri, an overseer of the scribes during the 6th Dynasty, sitting in the traditional pose of scribes with his legs crossed. He spreads a roll of papyrus on his lap and holds it with his left hand. In his right hand he holds a pen. The body of the statue is painted...

Mummy of Thutmose IV

King Thutmose IV died young and was buried in the Valley of the Kings, later, the mummy was moved to the Deir el-Bahari Cachette (DB320) with other royal mummies. His body was rewrapped in its original bandages, with the feet broken off, but not lost. The mummy of Thutmose IV was found within the mummy...

Mummy of a Baboon

Mummy of a Baboon

This baboon mummy is seated with its knees drawn up to its chest, and its tail curving around the right side of its body. Excavated by Mr. Theodore M. Davis in 1906 from Tomb (KV51) near the Tomb of Amenhotep II (KV35). The monkey appears to have been mummified through an enlarged cut in the...

Mask of Amenemope

Mask of King Amenemope

This mask was part of the mummy-shaped coffin of gilded wood of Amenemope. The mask is composed of thick sheets of gold molded with the features of the king. The round face of the king is surmounted by the uraeus, the royal cobra, which is attached to the forehead. The uraeus’s long sinuous body descends...

Armlet of Queen Ahhotep I

Armlet of Queen Ahhotep I

When it was found among the mummy’s hair, this gold armlet of Ahhotep I was thought to be a crown. Because of its diameter, however, it is certain that it was to be worn round the arm for protection. The armlet is inlaid with lapis lazuli and carnelian and decorated with vulture of gold and...

Head and Upper Body of King Senusret II

Statue of Senusret II

The statue offers a naturalistic treatment of the eyes and mouth and is found in the sculptures of Nofret and in this unsubscribed bust attributed to King Senusret II. During the reign of Senusret II, the image of the king was transformed both textually and visually, with signs of age appearing that include a wrinkled...