Egypt Museum ancient Egypt art culture and history

Relief of Trading Scenes of Punt

Trading Scenes of Punt

This relief of trading scenes of Punt is one of many decorated blocks that record the trading expedition sent to the land of Punt by Hatshepsut. Punt was a locality near the Red Sea and the south of Egypt, now southern Sudan or Eritrea or Ethiopia. The block shows Parehu, the Ruler of Punt, holding...

100 Hieroglyphs: Think Like an Egyptian

100 Hieroglyphs: Think Like an Egyptian

Gain insights into a vanished world with this unique look at powerful hieroglyphs. Barry Kemp presents one hundred of hieroglyphs, their pronunciations, their history, and meanings, revealing aspects of day-to-day life in ancient Egypt. “How characters used in ancient Egyptians’ writing system offer a fascinating insight into their priorities, concerns, and beliefs, and entire worldview....

Statue of Pendua and his wife Nefertari

Statue of Pendua and Nefertari

This statuary group is representing the scribe Pendua and his wife Nefertari. The couple embrace in an unusual depiction, seated on a wide high-backed seat with their arms passing behind the other so that their hands rest on each other’s shoulder. Both Pendua and Nefertari (whose name was the same as the reigning queen) wear...

Silver Statuette of a Kneeling Ptolemaic King

Statuette of a Kneeling Ptolemaic King

As the chief intermediary between gods and men, the Egyptian king is often shown kneeling in adoration. This silver statuette was undoubtedly part of a group composition in which the king faced a larger figure of a god. Temple inscriptions suggest that for much of Egypt’s history, silver was valued more highly than gold. However,...

Statue of Queen Nofret

In this statue, Queen Nofret is shown seated on a throne, wearing a wig known as a Hathor wig, which has three separate tresses of hair. A large tress falls behind the head, while two wavy tresses are pulled to the front and wrapped in narrow bands, which end over the breasts in two spirals...

Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of the Dancers

Fragment of Painting from Tomb of the Dancers

In this fragment painting from the Tomb of the Dancers, the girls are performing to the accompaniment of of clapping and finger-snapping, under the supervision of two male overseers. The occasion is perhaps a festival dance in honor of Hathor, goddess of music and dancing and also protector of the tombs of Western Thebes. “The...

Statuette of Tutankhamun the Harpooner

Statuette of Tutankhamun the Harpooner

A gilded, wooden statuette of King Tutankhamun stands on a wooden boat that is painted to represent a papyrus boat. Its details are picked out in gold leaf. The king, wearing the Deshret Red Crown of Lower Egypt, holds a harpoon poised to strike an unseen enemy. According to the myth of Osiris and Isis,...

Bust of Mentuemhat

Bust of Mentuemhat as an old man

This bust head belongs to Mentuemhat, the Fourth Prophet of Amun, Mayor of Thebes and Governor of Upper Egypt. He was the greatest man in Upper Egypt during the 25th Dynasty and at the beginning of the 26th Dynasty. The head depicts him as an old man who is bald. He has narrow eyes, well-defined...

Egyptian Faience Statuette of a Hippopotamus

Faience Statuette of a Hippo

This statuette of a hippo was molded in faience, a crushed quartz glazed and fired at a relatively low temperature. Copper salts in the glaze impart the bright blue or blue-green color so characteristic of faience objects. Over the animal’s naturalistic shape, the craftsman painted lily plants that appear as a giant tattoo. Small sculptures...

Statue of Ranefer

Statue of Ranefer

The statue depicts Ranefer, standing and is wearing an overlapped kilt of medium length. His hair was cut short and the eyes are painted. This splendid statue was found together with another statue, almost identical, in two niches in the chapel at his tomb at Saqqara. This one shows him in an old age while...