Egypt Museum ancient Egypt art culture and history

Relief from the Tomb of Kemsit

Relief from the Tomb of Kemsit

Kemsit sits on a wide, low-backed chair holding a vase of scented ointment to her nose. In front of her was the smaller figure of a male servant, of which only his hand remains, holding a small cup that is receiving the stream of liquid he was pouring into it with his other hand. This...

Statue of Horemheb as a Scribe

Statue of Horemheb as a Scribe

This statue was made before Horemheb ascended the throne. Horemheb was a royal scribe and general of the army under Tutankhamun. He continued to serve during the reign of Ay and eventually succeeded Ay as king. By having himself depicted as a scribe, Horemheb declares himself to be among the elite group of literate individuals,...

Pectoral of Psusennes I

Pectoral of Psusennes I

The pectoral of Psusennes I is framed by alternating precious stones, topped by a cavetto cornice, and with a row of alternating djed pillar and tit (Isis knot) symbols at the bottom, below a row of sun-discs. A winged scarab can be seen in the middle, and a cartouche of the king above and below,...

Cosmetic ibex kohl spoon

Cosmetic Ibex Kohl Spoon

Although its theme is natural, this kohl spoon is typically Egyptian: halfway between bas-relief and sculpture in the round, evoking an offering of game yet with the practical aspect of a spoon. There is no inscription on this piece, which was found in a tomb; its specific function and significance remain something of a mystery....

A mummified ram's head uncovered during excavation work by an American mission from New York University

Mummified Ram Heads uncovered at Abydos

More than 2,000 mummified ram heads and a palatial Old Kingdom structure have been uncovered by archaeologists at the Temple of Ramesses II of Abydos. The finds, located roughly 270 miles (435 kilometers) south of Cairo, come from a period of over 1,000 years, from the 6th Dynasty to the Heroic Age, making some of...

Statue of Ramessesnakht

Statue of Ramessesnakht as a scribe

The High Priest Ramessesnakht sits with his legs crossed under him the typical pose of a scribe another office he held, his head is bent over his work, his own biography, in his left hand is poised to continue writing. The baboon embracing his head, offering him protection and counsel represents Thoth, god of the...

Usekh Collar of Ahhotep I

Usekh Collar of Queen Ahhotep I

The Usekh adorned collar of Queen Ahhotep I, with clasp made from two hawk heads, formed by small elements representing baboons, quadrupeds, birds, crosses, bells and geometrical motifs. The Usekh or Wesekh is a personal ornament, a type of broad collar or necklace. It was one of the most common types of Egyptian ornaments. It...

Mummy of Ramesses I

Mummy of Ramesses I

The mummy of Ramesses I had been stolen from the Royal Cachette in Deir el-Bahari (TT320) by the Abu-Rassul family of grave robbers and sold by Turkish vice-consular agent Mustapha Aga Ayat at Luxor to Dr. James Douglas who brought it to North America around 1860. It is currently believed to be that of Ramesses...

Uncovering Egyptian Mythology

Uncovering Egyptian Mythology

Uncovering Egyptian Mythology is more than just a book that will teach you about a country. It’s a comprehensive guide that will transport you back to a country that is the only remaining ancient wonder in the world! The history of Egypt is long, filled with wealthy lifestyles, advanced engineering, inventions, and mystical characters that...

Egyptian Religious Calendar 2023

Egyptian Religious Calendar 2023

The Complete Egyptian Religious Calendar for the year 2023: the most comprehensive publication of the lists of the festivities of the Egyptian Religious Tradition (dated for the year 2023). A practical application of the Egyptian Religious Calendar for the current age. The civil year was divided into three seasons, commonly translated: Inundation, when the Nile...