Osiride statue of Mentuhotep II
This head of king Mentuhotep II is made of sandstone and depicts the king in Osiride form. He is wearing the white Atef crown, worn by the god Osiris.
With a slight smile, king Mentuhotep stares forth with lined eyes, red skin and a uraeus of royal insignia adorned upon his crown, his false beard is noteable but missing, only the black line remains upon the king’s jawline.
Mentuhotep II (Ancient Egyptian: Mn-ṯw-ḥtp, meaning “Mentu is satisfied”), also known under his prenomen Nebhepetre (Ancient Egyptian: Nb-ḥpt-Rˁ, meaning “The Lord of the rudder is Ra”), was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, the sixth ruler of the 11th Dynasty. He is credited with reuniting Egypt, thus ending the turbulent First Intermediate Period and becoming the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom. He reigned for 51 years, according to the Turin King List. Mentuhotep II succeeded his father Intef III on the throne and was in turn succeeded by his son Mentuhotep III.

Middle Kingdom, 11th Dynasty, reign of Mentuhotep II, ca. 2061-2010 BC. Now in the British Museum. EA720