Nubians bringing tribute

Nubians bringing tribute
Nubians bringing tribute. British Museum. EA922

The first man carries rings of gold, while the second man carries an Ebony log upon his shoulder and a giraffe’s tail in his other hand. The third man has a monkey perched upon his shoulder as he carries a bowl filled with chunks of jasper and a leopard skin.

monkey is perched upon the shoulder of a Nubian man bringing tribute of Jasper to Egypt
Delicately painted, a monkey is perched upon the shoulder of a Nubian man bringing tribute of Jasper to Egypt.

Nubians offering tribute of gold to Thutmose IV
New Kingdom, reign of Thutmose IV, c. 1400 B.C.
Tomb of Sobekhotep, TT63 (treasurer and mayor of the Southern Lake & Land of Sobek in Faiyum), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Thebes.

Nubians bringing tribute
Nubians bringing tribute. British Museum. EA921