Head of Senwosret III
This head, of the Middle Kingdom king Senwosret III, was discovered in front of the 4th Pylon of the Karnak Temple Complex in 1970. Made from rose granite, it depicts the king wearing the Double Crown (Pschent).
Measuring at 80cm, the face is easily recognizable as Senwosret III from other portraits of the king, although his successors would hold a similar resemblance, and mimicry of his features would be used in other sculptures, even by non-royals.
Once one catches a glimpse of his unique depiction, Senwosret III, can be recognized by even the untrained eye. His almond eyes, prominent nasolabial folds, and often downturned thin lipped mouth, along with his prominent cheekbones, provide us with what we can presume may have been a realistic depiction of the king. A face with such character, we can spend a long while wondering what his personality may have been like. Senwosret III’s nose tends to be missing from many sculptures, however, those that do have a nose, show a prominent aquiline nose, like the Obsidian (volcanic glass) head of Senwosret III.

Granite head of king Senwosret III
Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty, c. 1878-1840 B.C.
Luxor Museum.