Gold Sandals of Shoshenq II

Gold sandals found on the mummified body of the king Shoshenq II. Ensured that the king would be shod like the gods in the afterlife. Shoshenq II was the only ruler of the 22nd Dynasty whose tomb was not plundered by tomb robbers. His final resting place was discovered within an antechamber of Psusennes I’s tomb at Tanis by Pierre Montet in 1939.

In ancient Egypt, gold sandals were sometimes included as part of funerary offerings and burial customs. These gold sandals were believed to be symbolic and served a ritualistic purpose in the afterlife. They were often placed in tombs or burial chambers alongside other valuable items and personal belongings of the deceased.

Gold sandals found on the mummified body of the king Shoshenq II.
Gold sandals found on the mummified body of the king Shoshenq II.

The inclusion of gold sandals in funerary practices reflected the belief in the importance of wealth and status in the afterlife. These sandals were intended to provide comfort and luxury to the deceased in their journey to the next world. Gold sandals were not typically included in the process of mummification in ancient Egypt.

Related: Golden Sandals of Tutankhamun

Mummification was a complex and highly ritualistic process aimed at preserving the body for the afterlife. The deceased would be carefully prepared and wrapped in linen bandages, with various amulets and charms placed within the wrappings.

While the body would often be adorned with jewelry and other personal belongings, gold sandals were not a standard part of the mummification process.

In ancient Egypt, gold sandals were considered a symbol of wealth and status. They were often worn by the elite and royalty as a display of their social standing.

These sandals were typically made with intricate designs and embellishments, showcasing the craftsmanship of the time. However, it’s important to note that the availability and usage of gold sandals may have varied among different social classes in ancient Egypt.

Gold Sandals of Shoshenq II
Gold Sandals of Shoshenq II

Sandals were a common type of footwear in ancient Egypt. They were worn by people of various social classes, from the commoners to the elite. Ancient Egyptian sandals were typically made from natural materials such as leather, papyrus, or palm fibers.

The design of the sandals varied depending on the purpose and the wearer’s social status. Some sandals were simple and practical, while others were more elaborate and adorned with decorative elements.

Sandals were an essential part of everyday life in ancient Egypt, protecting the feet from the hot sand and providing comfort and support for walking and working in various environments.

Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca. 887-885 BC. From Tanis. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.