Goddess Qetesh

The functions of Qetesh in Egyptian religion are hard to determine due to lack of direct references, but her epithets (especially the default one, “lady of heaven”) might point at an astral character, and lack of presence in royal cult might mean that she was regarded as a protective goddess mostly by commoners. Known sources do not associate her with fertility or sex, and theories presenting her as a “sacred harlot” are regarded as obsolete in modern scholarship due to lack of evidence.

Her epithets include “Mistress of All the Gods”, “Lady of the Stars of Heaven”, “Beloved of Ptah”, “Great of magic, mistress of the stars”, and “Eye of Ra, without her equal”. A connection with Ptah or Ra evident in her epithets is also known from Egyptian texts about Anat and Astarte.

Stela dedicated by Ramose to the goddess Qadesh, shown between Min and Reshep
Stela dedicated by Ramose to the goddess Qadesh, shown between Min and Reshep
New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1292–1190 B.C.
Deir el-Medina
Museo Egizio.
Cat. 1601

Qetesh (also Qodesh, Qadesh, Qedesh, Qetesh, Kadesh, Kedesh, Kadeš or Qades /ˈkɑːdɛʃ/) is believed to be a goddess who was incorporated into the ancient Egyptian religion in the late Bronze Age. Her name was likely developed by the Egyptians based on the Semitic root Q-D-Š meaning ‘holy’ or ‘blessed,’ attested as a title of El and possibly Athirat and a further independent deity in texts from Ugarit.

Due to lack of clear references to Qetesh as a distinct deity in Ugaritic and other Syro-Palestinian sources, she is considered an Egyptian deity influenced by religion and iconography of Canaan by many modern researchers, rather than merely a Canaanite deity adopted by the Egyptians (examples of which include Reshef and Anat).

Early researchers attempted to prove Qetesh was simply a form of a known Canaanite deity, rather than a fully independent goddess. William F. Albright proposed in 1939 that she was a form of the “lady of Byblos” (Baalat Gebal), while René Dussard suggested a connection to “Asherat” (e.g. the biblical Asherah) in 1941. Subsequent studies tried to find further evidence for equivalence of Qetesh and Asherah, despite dissimilar functions and symbols.

Goddess Qetesh
Goddess Qetesh

Modern egyptologists, such as Christiane Zivie-Coche, do not consider Qetesh to be a hypostasis of Anat or Astarte, but a goddess developed in Egypt possibly without a clear forerunner among Canaanite or Syrian goddesses, though given a Semitic name and associated mostly with foreign deities.

On a stele representing the deity, Qetesh is depicted as a frontal nude (an uncommon motif in Egyptian art, though not exclusively associated with her), wearing a Hathor wig and standing on a lion, between Min and the Canaanite warrior god Resheph. She holds a snake in one hand and a bouquet of lotus or papyrus flowers in the other.