Colossal of Ramesses II, at Memphis
Limestone colossus of king Ramesses II, at Memphis, the colossal of Ramesses II, was discovered in 1820 by Giovanni Battista Caviglia, an Italian traveller. The statue is so large, an enclosure had to be built around it at the open air Mit Rahina Museum.
Almost impossible to move, and after multiple attempts to relocate the statue, it was in 1887 that British army engineer, A. H. Bagnold, managed to construct levers and pulleys to move the colossal to its current location in Memphis, and it has remained there until this very day.
The statue of the king lays upon his back, over 13 metres (33ft+) in length, although the calves and feet are missing. His face is perfectly carved and in perfect condition. With this photograph edited by to flip the statue horizontal, the viewer is able to see the pectoral necklace Ramesses is wearing, and one can take note of the fine natural detailing.

Colosse de Ramsès II à Memphis (alternate title)
Photograph by J. Pascal Sébah, Turkish, active c. 1823-1886.
Collection of The Detroit Institute of Arts.

The king’s pectoral muscles are smoothly carved and flow naturally into the torso, showcasing the magnificence of the artisans and sculptors of Egypt’s New Kingdom age, in which Ramesses II reigned.
The statue is breathtaking in its magnitude, and it is overwhelming to imagine this colossal standing erected in its full glory upon Egypt’s horizon.