Bronze Figure of a Woman

Bronze Figure of a Woman
Bronze Figure of a Woman. Musée du Louvre. E 14276

Measuring at 34.5cm, this bronze (copper alloy) figure of a woman dates from around 1069-664 B.C., putting it among the Third Intermediate Period. The figure depicts an unknown woman with a slender physique and a cropped wig of layered style. Based upon the stride of her legs and supposed material between, we can presume she was meant to be depicted wearing a long form, tightly fitted dress.

Originally, the eyes and brows would have been inlaid with precious stones and/or glass, however, such inlays are sadly missing now.

The piece was acquired by the Musée du Louvre in 1933, via M. Haase, René, Vendeur, and it currently on display at the museum within Sully, [AE] Room 643.

Bronze Figure of a Woman
Bronze Figure of a Woman. Musée du Louvre. E 14276


Bronze (copper alloy) figure of a woman
Third Intermediate Period, c. 1069-664 B.C.
Musée du Louvre. E 14276