
Red Jasper or Porphyry head of Akhenaten

Red Jasper or Porphyry head of Akhenaten

A head of king Akhenaten made from Egyptian jasper or porphyry. This head of Akhenaten is similar to portraits of the king that we believe come from early in his reign. The less exaggerated features of the soon-to-be “Amarna Period”, this serene, slight smile of the young king looks ahead, as he wears the blue...

Priest Sepa and his wife Nesa

Priest Sepa and his wife Nesa

Sepa was a priest who lived during the 3rd Dynasty of Ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom (c. 2700-2620 B.C.) With titles such as, “Responsible for Royal Matters”, “Greatest of the ten of Upper Egypt”, “Priest of the god Kherty” and “Herdsman of the White Bull”, Sepa was clearly a man of status and importance within society,...

Statue of dwarf Khnumhotep

Dwarf Khnumhotep

Limestone statue of the dwarf Khnumhotep, “Overseer of Ka-priests”, and dancer at the funeral of the Sacred Bulls.Old Kingdom, 6th Dynasty, c. 2350–2170 B.C.Saqqara. Khnumhotep, the priest and overseer of the royal wardrobe, was an Egyptian dwarf who suffered from physical deformity. He is represented with his torso exaggeratedly large in proportion to his short...

Gold faced Egyptian mummy

Gold faced Egyptian mummy

This mummy of a woman has a gilded, golden face and a wig of human hair adorned upon her head. Unfortunately, not much is known about this woman, only her head remains. Discovered in Egypt, bequeathed by (Major) Robert Grenville ‘John’ Gayer-Anderson, the head of the unknown woman now resides at The Fitzwilliam Museum, in...

The sarcophagus of Sha-Amun-en-su.

Coffin of Priestess Sha-Amun-en-su

Sha-Amun-en-su was an Ancient Egyptian ritualistic singer and priestess of Amun at the Temple of Karnak. Her name translates to “Fertile Fields of Amun”, and she died around 750 B.C. Sha-Amun-en-su lived during the Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt (Bubastite Dynasty), where the kings ruled from the city of Bubastis (“House of Bast“, Ancient Egyptian: “Per-Bast“)....

Family statue of a man called Wah-Ib "Jeweller of Amun", wife Teri. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria. INV 9233

Family statue of a man called Wah-Ib “Jeweller of Amun”, wife Teri

This family portrait comes from the reign of Amenhotep III. The artistic style of the piece is reminiscent of other pieces from the Late 18th Dynasty era, in which after a lustrous and inspiring reign, Amenhotep III’s lineage took hold with Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), leading to the eventual collapse of the 18th Dynasty’s Golden Age...

Akhenaten Ushabti. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria. INV 10166

Akhenaten Ushabti

Ushabti of king Akhenaten from Amarna (ancient Akhetaten – Akhenaten’s experimental ‘new capital’ that was dismantled upon his death. A Ushabti was a figurine representing the deceased that would help with duties in the Afterlife. A Ushabti (Egyptian: wšbtj or šwbtj) was a funerary figure in the form of the likeness of the deceased, and...

Subdued Enemies. A black Sub Saharan man and an Assyrian man kneel, subdued by the king of Egypt.

Subdued Enemies

Glazed faïence inlays from palace of Ramesses III, depicting subdued enemies of Egypt; Sub Saharan African and Assyrian men kneel. The decorative inlays are considered of significant historical and ethnographical interest, given the representation of neighbouring populations. Tiles with coloured inlaid glazed faience were very popular for decorating the walls of palaces. In the palace...

Face from a coffin. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Egyptian - Oriental Collection Inv. No. INV 917

Face from a coffin

This face from a coffin is made of wood and paint still remains. The face has a slight soft smile. It dates from the New Kingdom Period’s 18th Dynasty (c.1300-1400 B.C.), and is currently under the ownership of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, in Vienna, Austria. The mummies of the ancient Egyptian elite were placed into wooden...