
Bes Ostracon

This limestone ostracon from the artisans village of Deir el-Medina (Egyptian: Set Ma’at = “The Place of Truth“), shows a beautifully intricate line drawing of the dwarf god Bes. The faint red pigmented lines, now orange, showcase the talent of the artists living within the worker’s village of Deir el-Medina. Likely a trial piece to...


This limestone statue of a man named Penmernabu holding a shrine was discovered at Deir el-Medina. Penmernabu’s shrine is surmounted by the head of a ram, an animal sacred and associated with the god Amun-Ra. The first datable remains of the village of Deir el-Medina (Set Ma’at) belong to the reign of Thutmose I (c....

Bust of Akhenaten

Limestone bust of Akhenaten from Tel el-Amarna (ancient Akhetaten) New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Akhenaten, c. 1352-1335 B.C. Musée du Louvre. E 11076

Green Gaius Julius Caesar

The Berlin Green Caesar Many archaeologists place this green schist bust of Gaius Julius Caesar from the first century BC, but the majority prefer the first century AD, in the early Imperial period. It is 41cm highs and posthumous portrait, the only known portraits made of Caesar from his lifetime are on coins. It was...

Priests of Isis perform a water ritual

White-robed priests of Isis perform a water ritual as chanting devotees line the steps of the goddess’s temple in this wall painting from Herculaneum. Herculaneum was an ancient Roman town, located in the modern-day commune of Ercolano, Campania, Italy. Herculaneum was buried under volcanic ash and pumice in the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79...

Painted limestone head of Userkaf

Once within the collection of Prince Mohammed Ali, and since 1979, in the hands of the Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, this head of king Userkaf shows the Old Kingdom king, wearing the white crown of Egypt, known as the Hedjet. The Hedjet was a representation of Upper Egypt; the Nile valley south of Memphis...

Facsimile of a wall painting from the Tomb of Nakht (TT52). Nina De Garis Davies (1881-1965).

Cat eating fish under a chair

This charming image of a cat eating a fish whilst sat under the chair of a woman named Tawy, is depicted on the Western wall, southern side, within the 18th Dynasty tomb of Tawy’s husband named Nakht (TT52). The image has been documented in a facsimile by the artist Nina De Garis Davis, with all...

Weeping cow

A weeping cow is milked by a man. A calf is investigating a ribbon or some kind of rope around its mother’s leg.This scene is depicted upon the sarcophagus of Kawit, queen consort of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II. Discovered within her tomb (DBXI.9) at Deir el-Bahari.Middle Kingdom 11th Dynasty c. 2061-2010 B.C.Now in the Egyptian Museum,...

Nubians bringing tribute

Nubians bringing tribute

The first man carries rings of gold, while the second man carries an Ebony log upon his shoulder and a giraffe’s tail in his other hand. The third man has a monkey perched upon his shoulder as he carries a bowl filled with chunks of jasper and a leopard skin. Nubians offering tribute of gold...

Family portrait of Akhenaten, Nefertiti & daughter

Family portrait of Akhenaten, Nefertiti & daughter

Triad family portrait of Akhenaten, Nefertiti and daughter holding handsNew Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, c. 1353-1336 B.C. King Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti are believed to have had at least six daughters together. They were: Meritaten, Meketaten, Ankhesenpaaten (who changed her name Ankhesenamun and became the wife of her half brother Tutankhamun), Neferneferuaten Tasherit, Neferneferure, and...