
Head of King Amenhotep III

Head of Amenhotep III

In this portrait head, King Amenhotep III is portrayed with the features of a young boy; he has a round full face, almond-shaped eyes, curved eyebrows, a small nose and a fleshy mouth. These features determine that the head belonged to the so-called “second group” of portraits of Amenhotep III, from the last years of...

Ostracon of Prince Sethherkhepshef

The ostracon of prince Sethherkhepshef is a painted limestone figured ostracon of the son of Ramesses III. It is a standing, figured profile of Prince Sethherkhepshef (who later ascended the throne as Ramesses VIII) in an adoration pose, with outstretched arms, a scepter in his left hand, and right hand, palm-forward. Behind Sethherkhepshef in a...

Statue of a Cat with her Kittens

Statue of a Cat with her Kittens

A statue of a cat feeding one kitten and playing with another is shown lying on a sarcophagus designed to store the mummified remains of cats. Cats were commonly portrayed in Egyptian art, especially during the Saite period, which was characterized by numerous images of animals in general. When represented, the cat-shaped statues was most...

Statue of Hathor Protecting Psamtik

This schist statue depicts goddess Hathor protecting Psamtik who is standing in a posture of prayer, with the seal of his profession as chief scribe hanging from his neck. Psamtik is standing beneath the figure of a cow representing the goddess Hathor. She was the goddess of love, music, and motherhood. Here Hathor wears her...

Gold Jewelry of Princess Khenmet

Jewelry of Princess Khenmet

These items of jewelry belonging to Princess Khenmet are made with the decorative cloisonné technique of applied gold threads and tiny beads that was very popular outside Egypt, particularly in Syria and the area of the Aegean. The first chain has a pendant of a spotted heifer in a round border in blue enamel. This...

Golden Throne of Tutankhamun

Golden Throne of Tutankhamun

The golden throne of Tutankhamun is a unique work of art. It is considered to be one of the most significant and well-preserved pieces of furniture from ancient Egypt. Its colors have not faded over three thousand years, which serves as a testament to the high skill of the ancient Egyptian craftsmen. The luxurious armchair...

Duck Bracelet of King Ramesses II

Duck Bracelet of Ramesses II

This solid gold bracelet of Ramesses II is composed of two parts, linked on one side by a hinge and on the other by a clasp. The broader upper part of the bracelet is decorated with a double-headed duck. The body consists of a large chunk of lapis lazuli framed by broad bands of gold...

Beaded Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep

Beaded Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep

The beaded bracelet of Ahhotep is a remarkable piece of jewelry that showcases the artistic and craftsmanship skills of the time. The bracelet, which is one of a pair, was found along with other jewels inside her sarcophagus. It is composed of 30 rows of gold beads and semi-precious stones (lapis lazuli, turquoise and carnelian),...

Relief of the goddess Maat

A fragment of a low relief depicting the upper part of an image of the goddess Maat wearing ostrich feather of truth, a tripartite wig, a wide usekh collar, bracelets, and a tunic supported by shoulder-straps. Her head is surmounted by her emblem, a feather, the symbol of truth and justice. Maat was the symbol...

Sarcophagus of Prince Thutmose’s Cat Ta-Miu

Sarcophagus of Prince Thutmose’s Cat Ta Miu

Prince Thutmose is best remembered for the limestone sarcophagus of his beloved cat, Ta-miu (she-cat). The body of this sarcophagus is completely decorated with scenes, while the lid is inscribed with hieroglyphs. It shows the cat sitting before an offering table heaped with goodies for the afterlife. It seems that her owner, Crown Prince Thutmose,...